Endangered Tree Species for plantation at Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai

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Avinash Kubal

Jan 8, 2011, 11:17:13 PM1/8/11
to efloraofindia
Dear Friends,

Maharashtra Nature Park spread over an are of 37 acres (located at
Dharavi Mumbai) is unique place as it is a man made forest developed
on erstwhile landfill site.

Being a center of Education and awareness for Nature Conservation, MNP
is visited by hundreds of students every day. This includes students
from streams like botany and other biological sciences.

We here at MNP are planning to enrich our flora by adding collection
of native plant species (mainly the hardy perennials (Trees, Shrubs,
Climbers etc)

With this email, i am requesting all the members on this elite e-group
to share their collection of rare, endangered, unusual, less known,
interesting plants which can be planted here. This will be immensely
benefiting to the visitors (mainly students) those visit here.

My contact details are as follows:
Avinash Kubal
Deputy Director,
Maharashtra Nature Park Society,
Near Dharavi Bus Depot,
Sion Bandra Link Road,
Dharavi Mumbai 400017
Tel: +22-2407 9938 / 39
Email: avinas...@gmail.com

manudev madhavan

Jan 10, 2011, 6:10:48 AM1/10/11
to Avinash Kubal, efloraofindia
Dear Avinash ji,

You may contact M S Swaminathan Research Foundation Community Agrobiodiversity Centre, Wayanad, Kerala.
They are currently running a project on regeneration of 100 species of exclusively endangered category from Western Ghats. They have already  completed a project on Conservation of 80 RET plants from Western Ghats very recently. They are also providing plant lets to those who are interested in conserving the biodiversity. You may contact officially to the director, Dr. Anil Kumar in this regard. You will get more details from their website http://www.mssrf.org/bd/bd-wayanad-cabc.html

If you need any personal contact from the institution, I can help you..

with regards 

Manudev K Madhavan
Systematic & Floristic Lab,
Department of Botany, 
Centre for Postgraduate Studies & Research 
St. Joseph's College, Devagiri
Kozhikode- 673 008
Mob: 9496470738

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