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Toast to Trees

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rashida atthar

Feb 10, 2011, 2:09:34 AM2/10/11



Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 16:31:48 +0530
Subject: [bnhsvolunteers] Toast to Trees


Bombay Natural History Society invites all for Toast to Trees at CEC,  Goregaon on 13th February 2011.


Trees have been integral part of human lives and we share interestingly dynamic relation. We use them as source of food, shelter and clothing. Trees add aesthetical dimension to our lives with beautiful flowers, leaves and shapes. Amidst city’s hectic life, trees standing tall around us are often ignored. This is the time to watch beautiful flowering trees. To revive your connections with trees, the CEC is inviting you to “A Toast to Trees”. This half-day interactive programme will have fun-filled and informative sessions for adults and children. Activities include tree watching trails, slide shows, biomass study, tree game and quiz, tree of your sun sign, tree planting tips, know the trees and face painting

Date: 13th February, 2011 

: Conservation Education Centre, Mumbai

Time: 7.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon

Programme Fees: Rs. 500/- per adult and Rs. 450/- per child (for age up to 10 yrs)

For registration contactDownload the form from and send duly filled application forms along with the programme fee to us at Fort or Goregaon office

For further queries contact: Mr. Rahul VK, Education Officer on 9594953425 / 9594929107 (between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday).

Rahul VK
Education Officer


Conservation Education Centre

Near Filmcity, Filmcity road, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400065,Maharashtra, India.
Tel:91-22- 28402931; Mobile:  9594929107/ 9594953425 / 9323738622
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