I have further worked on the Solanum key uploaded few months earlier. This one is more formal dichotomous key. Please point out if there is any species to add:
Key to Indian Species of Solanum (Wild or cultivated*)
1.Plants herbaceous throughout
2.Prickles absent
3.Leaves simple, entire or slightly lobed
4.Flowers <5 mm across; anthers 1.5 mm long; fruiting pedicels
erect; fruit 6 -7 mm, black, shining........................................1. S. americanum Mill. (syn: S. nigrum Trimen (non L.)
4.Flowers > 5 mm across; anthers 2-3 mm long; fruiting pedicels
reflexed; fruit > 7mm; green, yellow, orange or black, not shining
5.Plants villous with glandular hairs; Infl. 3-5 flowered; peduncle in
fruit <13 mm; fruit longer than broad, red, orange or green.............2. S. villosum (L.) Moench.
5.Plants appressed hairy with eglandular hairs; Infl. 5-20 flowered;
peduncle in fruit > 15 mm; fruit broader than long, fruit dull
purple, black or yellowish green.........................................3. S. nigrum L.
3.Leaves pinnate Compound
6.Flowers yellow; plants densely hairy; underground tubers absent.............4. S. lycopersicum L.* (syn: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
6.Flowers white or purplish;plants sparsely hairy; underground tubers absent..5. S. tuberosum L.*
2.Prickles present
7.Flowers mauve; fruit ovoid-oblong,4-7 cm long, yellow, pointed, with basal
lobes; leaves entire or slightly lobed.........................................6. S. mammosum L.*
7.Flowers white; fruit globose, 1-1.5 cm, bright red, enclosed in prickly calyx;
leaves deeply pinnately lobed..................................................7. S. sisymbrifolium Lam.
1.Plants partly or wholly woody
8.Plants woody only at base, herbaceous above
9.Usually unarmed, sometimes armed in wild; floccose-pubescent; leaves sinuate;
flowers usually solitary, rarely few-flowered; corolla 2-4 cm across, bluish;
fruits globose or ovoid, more than 6 cm long...................................8. S.melanogena L.
9.usually armed with hooked prickles; plant scurfy; lleaves sinuately lobed;
flowers in clusters of 2-6, 2 cm across, white; fruit globose, scarlet or
yellow, 4-6 cm across..........................................................9. S. integrifolium Poir.
8.Plants mostly woody
10.The Plants climbing
11.Prickles absent
12.Leaves simple or lobed at base
13.Flowers white or tinged blue;corolla lobes spreading.................10. S. laxum Spreng.*(syn: Jasminoides Paxt.)
13.Flowers violet, spotted with green; corolla lobes reflexed;
fruit ovoid, scarlet, 8-10 mm across.................................11. S. dulcamara L.*
12.Leaves pinnate, flowers lilac; fruit globose, bright red,
7-9 mm across...........................................................12. S. seaforthianum Andr.*
11.Prickles present
14.Leaves pinnate; prickles curved; flowers lilac 5-6 cm across; fruit
globose, 7-10 cm across.................................................13. S. wendlandii Hook.f.*
14.Leaves 3-5 lobed; flowers bluish-violet, 2.5-3 cm across; fruit
globose, 6-8 mm across..................................................14. S. trilobatum L.
10.The Plants woody shrubs or trees
15.Plants unarmed
16.Flowers white
17. Glabrous shrubs, leaves less than 10 cm long
18.Leaves narrow-oblong to oblanceolate,less than 2 cm broad, entire
peduncle almost absent; fls 1-3 together, 1-1.5 cm across; fruit
1-2 cm across, scarlet or orange...................................15. S. pseudocapsicum L.*
18.Leaves elliptic, more than 2 cm broad, in unequal pairs; peduncle
distinct, 3-12 mm long; flowers more than 3, 4-6 mm across; fruit
7-12 mm across, erect, orange, slightly bilobed....................16. S. diphyllum L.*
17.Stellate-pubescent shrubs; leaves longer than 10 cm, crowded towards
tips of branches, with yellowish hairs beneath; flowers creamy white;
fruit globose, 1 cm across, yellow, covered with stellate hairs.......17. S. erianthum D. Don (syn: S. verbascifolium Clarke (non L.)
16.Flowers blue or purple
19.Flowers 2-3 cm across; one anther 8 mm long, 4 half as long;fruit
globose, glossy red, 1.5 cm across; stem with ashy-grey tomentum;
leaves 3-8 cm long....................................................18. S. pubescens Willd.
19.Flowers less than 1.5 cm across; all anthers equal
20.Leaves axils with pairs of small auricle-like leaves; leaves
15-30 cm long, 7-11 cm broad, softly pubescent, upper surface
dark green, lower pale green; corollblue, 9-11 mm across;fruit
globose, 1.5 cm across, orange-yellow, densely stellate pubescent..19. S. mauritianum Scop. (syn: S. auriculatum Ait.)
20.Leaf axils without auricles; leaves shoter than 12 cm, deeply
lobed; flowers 8-10 mm across, purple..............................20. S. kurzii Brace
15.Plants armed with prickles
21.Prickles straight, without broad base
22.Flowers white
23.Leaves usually shorter than 20 cm, acutely lobed;calyx
prickly; corolla 6 mm across; fruit globose, 2.5 cm across,
pale green with dark green markings, orange red when mature........21. S. capsicoides All. (syn: S. aculeatssimum Clarke (non Jacq);
S. ciliatum Lam.)
23.Leaves longer than 20 cm, with acutely triangular lobes;
infl few-flowered; corolla 1.2 cm across; fruit globose,
2-3 cm across, orange, densely covered with hairs..................22. S. lasiocarpum Scop. (syn: S. ferox Clarke (non L.);S. indicum L.;
S. straminifolium Gandhi & Saldanha (non Jacq.)
22.Flowers blue or violet; Small spreading shrub up to 50 cm;
prickles yellow; leaves deeply lobed, greenish and glabrescent;
flowers 2 cm across, violet; fruit globose, yellow, 2 cm across.......23. S. virginianum L. (syn: S. xanthocarpum Schrad. & Wendl.;
S. surattense Burm.f.)
21.Prickles curved or straight, with broad base
24.Flowers white or pink
25.Leaves shallowly lobed
26.Leaves coarsely sinuate, unequal sided at base; inflorescence
with numerous flowers, dichotomous; flowers 2-2.5 cm across,
white;fruit 8-12 mm across, globose, yellow turning orange.......24. S. torvum Sw.
26.Leaves elliptic-ovate with 2-4 pairs of lobes, base oblique;
flowers in raceme-like cyme, 5-20-fld; corolla 6-12 mm across;
white with occasional purple veins on outer surface; fruit
subglobose, 7-18 mm green or white when young, red when ripe,
in clusters of up to 20 fruits...................................25. S. anguivi Lam. (syn: S. distichum Schum.; S. indicum auct
(non L.); S. sodomeum L.)
25.Leaves deeply lobed
27.Plant ferruginous, leaves deeply pinnately lobed; corolla 3 cm
across, white;fruit globose, 1.5 cm across, yellowish brown;
prickles short, curved down......................................26. S. hispidum Pers.
27.Plant hirsute; prickles straight as well as curved
28.Glandular hairs absent, with long soft hairs, leaves deeply
lobed;prickes up to 2 cm long;corolla white or pink, 2 cm
across; berry globose, 2-3 cm across pale yellow..............27. S. aculeatissimum Jacq. (syn: S. khasianum Clarke)
28.Glandular hairs present; prickles up to 5 mm long;infl.
1-5-fld, peduncle reduced; corolla white, berry pale
yellow, 2-3 cm across.........................................28. S. viarum Dunal (syn: S. khasianum var. chatterjeanum S. Gupta)
24.Flowers blue or purple, prickles curved
29.Prickles on both stem and leaves; leaves lobed, unequal at base;
corolla blue-purple, 2-2.5 cm across; fruit globose, orange,
1 cm across.........................................................29. S. violaceum Ortega (syn: S. indicum Clarke (non L.)
29.Prickles only on stem, not on leaves
30.Tree-like, prickles short, stout; leaves oblong-lanceolate,
entire, glossy above, silvery white beneath; cymose clusters
on 2-3 cm long peduncle; flowers mauve, 1 cm across; fruit
9-11 mm across, globose, glossy, red when mature.................30. S. giganteum Jacq.
30.Small shrub; hairs stellate; leaves small, about 4 cm long,
cordate; infl. 1-3 fld; fls 2 cm across..........................31. S. gracilipes Decne.
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297 Mob: 9810359089