Leaving the group-Thanks for the wonderful learning experience.

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Rashida Atthar

Feb 17, 2011, 1:51:36 AM2/17/11
to indian...@googlegroups.com
Dear members of eflorofindia,
Today, a while back I have received a mail from Garg ji saying that in the best interest for mainting harmony on the group I withdraw from being a moderator of the group. I thought for a while as to what triggered this. Yesterday, I recieved a mail from Dr. Gurcharan ji asking me not to respond to Dr. Pankaj Kumar's mails till matters are sorted out. I was awaiting some  kind of resolution of  the matter. Now it has become very clear to be that the agenda of Dr.Pankaj Kumar to attack me constantly and ultimately get me out as a  moderator seems to be working,
 If this is the perception and action of the owner of this group ids asstated  than  I think I should no longer continue with the group at all. I joined the group on the invitation of Garg ji on 31st December 2008. I joined as a moderator on the invitation and approval of majority moderators on 8 May 2010.  I was looking forward and infact working on the family Euphorbiaceae that I had volunteered to coordinate next month. That will no longer happen from my end. 
I wish to thanks all the members and experts for the enriching inputs and exhange of taxonomy information so generously  all the time. All the very best for the group. Goodbye.

Pankaj Oudhia

Feb 17, 2011, 2:25:06 AM2/17/11
to efloraofindia
Rashida ji,

   Please rethink on your decision. Very few active members are here. You are one of them.

Few years back some Kala wrote to me that whatever I have written while documenting Traditional knowledge is available in Delhi bus stand.

He was asking for documents related to Chhattisgarh biodiversity for his research report.

At first moment I felt very bad. But it is occupational hazard. I replied to him "Please go to Delhi bus stand you will get the documents."

It is part of life. So, just ignore it.

I humbly request you to think again on your decision. Everyone from this group is valuable for everyone.


Pankaj Oudhia

Gurcharan Singh

Feb 17, 2011, 2:39:45 AM2/17/11
to Pankaj Oudhia, Rashida Atthar, efloraofindia
Yes Rashida ji
I also request you to reconsider your decision and don't leave the group. I did not know that Garg ji has written any mail to you (or both) regarding moderator role. Please calm down. I am (and many on the group) experienced person who has seen a lot in life, and take my words, if you are asking others to apologize, you would stand much taller if you forgive the person for his/her mistakes. This will make him/her realize better. 
     Any how please again reconsider your decision and don't leave. I want you to handle Euphorbiaceae Next month.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

renee vyas vyas

Feb 17, 2011, 3:05:47 AM2/17/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Pankaj Oudhia, Rashida Atthar, efloraofindia
Dear Rashida,
I fully agree with Pankajji & Gurcharanji......one must forgive and moveon in life.....please do reconsider your decision.

Dinesh Valke

Feb 17, 2011, 4:01:14 AM2/17/11
to renee vyas vyas, Gurcharan Singh, Pankaj Oudhia, Rashida Atthar, efloraofindia
Rashida ji ... quitting does not help anybody ... requesting you to change your decision.

ajinkya gadave

Feb 17, 2011, 4:21:48 AM2/17/11
to Dinesh Valke, renee vyas vyas, Gurcharan Singh, Pankaj Oudhia, Rashida Atthar, efloraofindia
हमें ना जाओ छोड़ कर !!!!!!!!!!!
 के identificition बाकि है. 

Satish Phadke

Feb 17, 2011, 9:15:01 AM2/17/11
to Rashida Atthar, indian...@googlegroups.com
Rashida ji
We will miss a lot. You were pioneer in providing a lot of information from Sir Almeida's flora. There were differences in some opinions from people like me who refer the BSI Mah flora. Still we enjoyed the discussions and I learnt many new things about innumerable plants. I was happy to get any information from your end about the plant from Almeida's flora (which I don't possess), and that too very promptly. I hope that you will come back and help this plant loving community which has grown to this big size because of people like you.
Dr Satish Phadke

Balkar Arya

Feb 17, 2011, 11:32:56 PM2/17/11
to Satish Phadke, Rashida Atthar, indian...@googlegroups.com
Rashida Ji
Pls give a new thought to your decision.
And stay here in efloraindia. We are working for a noble cause and for our country, not for anyone. 
We are waiting lots of information on euphorbiaceae from your side.

Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat
Message has been deleted

Gurcharan Singh

Feb 18, 2011, 3:39:03 AM2/18/11
to Anand Kumar Bhatt, Rashida Atthar, Satish Phadke, indian...@googlegroups.com, Balkar Arya
Anand ji
It rather pained me to know that you had to withdraw  from moderator role because of some comment. Such things are rare on our group but resigning quietly does not help much. There have been occasions on this group when some prominent members chose to leave, but some of us made every effort and finally solved the issue and brought them back. That is the strength of our group. We have learnt to tide over such bumps in smooth sailing. 
       I request you to kindly reconsider your decision. We will request Garg ji to send you invitation to join back as moderator.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Anand Kumar Bhatt <anand...@gmail.com> wrote:
Long time back you  had some caustic comments on me when I did not agree to support some cause. I was hurt but did not show it . After that I quietly resigned as moderator, as I thought that I was not contributing much as MODERATOR. YOU MIGHT BE FEELING THE SAME WAY, BUT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. yOU ARE AN EXPERT AND I AM AN AMATEUR. yOUR SERVICES SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO THE GROUP. So even if you donot want to continue as moderator, you must continue as member and help others in ID and give your expert comments. 
Best of luck. 
Anand Kumar Bhatt
A-59, B.S.F.Colony, Airport Road
Gwalior. 474 005.
Tele: 0751-247 2233. Mobile 0 94253 09780.
My blogsite is at:
(A NEW BLOG HAS BEEN ADDED ON 29 jJanuary 2011.)
And the photo site:
Ten most  common surnames of Indians: Singh, Kumar, Sharma, Patel, Shah, Lal, Gupta, Bhat, Rao, Reddy. Cheers!

Balkar Arya

Feb 18, 2011, 4:56:46 AM2/18/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Anand Kumar Bhatt, Rashida Atthar, Satish Phadke, indian...@googlegroups.com
Dear Anand Ji
i was surprised to know this fact. Amature or expert it does not matter. you have a good botanical knowledge,we all know this. i request you to reconsider your decision. 

Rashida Atthar

Feb 18, 2011, 5:41:07 AM2/18/11
to Balkar Arya, Gurcharan Singh, Anand Kumar Bhatt, Satish Phadke, indian...@googlegroups.com
Dear efloraofindia members,
Today I have received two mails from Garg ji separately stating that he has taken the needful actions and that I should continue as moderator. My reason for deciding to leave was the mail from Garg ji yesterday and not the remarks of anybody. Since Garg ji has changed the perception and done the needful, Keeping in mind the wishes of my friends, some moderators and members, I am deciding to stay with efloraofinda and will continue to complete the work I was doing. Sorry for the distress caused.

mani nair

Feb 18, 2011, 5:42:15 AM2/18/11
to Rashida Atthar, Balkar Arya, Gurcharan Singh, Anand Kumar Bhatt, Satish Phadke, indian...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Rashida ji for your decision.  We all need your valuable help.



Rashida Atthar

Feb 18, 2011, 5:43:13 AM2/18/11
to mani nair, Balkar Arya, Gurcharan Singh, Anand Kumar Bhatt, Satish Phadke, indian...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Mani ji.

Satish Chile

Feb 18, 2011, 5:55:20 AM2/18/11
to Balkar Arya, Satish Phadke, Rashida Atthar, indian...@googlegroups.com
Rashida ji, I also request you to give one more thought to ur decision to leave. After all we make collective effort for Botany not for indivi

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Balkar Arya <balka...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dr. Satish Kumar Chile

Rashida Atthar

Feb 18, 2011, 6:11:12 AM2/18/11
to Satish Chile, Balkar Arya, Satish Phadke, indian...@googlegroups.com
Dr. Satish Chile ji,
Thank you. I am in the group. You just missed my above mail.

Ushadi micromini

Mar 23, 2011, 7:26:13 PM3/23/11
to efloraofindia
Dear Dr. Atthar...ie Rashida ji:

I am a newbie...but I must say I have been impressed with your
willingness to share
authentic information, your replies are thoughtful and never seem to
be superficial....
euphorbiaceae is a difficult group of plants to know for a self-
taught "botany amateur",
your discussions this month made many things clearer...
I am glad you decided to stay....

WRITE UP.......

Usha Desai MD

On Feb 18, 3:43 pm, Rashida Atthar <atthar.rash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Mani ji.
> regards,
> Rashida.
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:12 PM, mani nair <mani.na...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Rashida ji for your decision.  We all need your valuable help.
> > Regards,
> > Mani.
> > On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Rashida Atthar <atthar.rash...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> Dear efloraofindia members,
> >> Today I have received two mails from Garg ji separately stating that he
> >> has taken the needful actions and that I should continue as moderator. My
> >> reason for deciding to leave was the mail from Garg ji yesterday and not the
> >> remarks of anybody. Since Garg ji has changed the perception and done the
> >> needful, Keeping in mind the wishes of my friends, some moderators and
> >> members, I am deciding to stay with efloraofinda and will continue to
> >> complete the work I was doing. Sorry for the distress caused.
> >> regards,
> >> Rashida.

Gurcharan Singh

Mar 23, 2011, 9:47:04 PM3/23/11
to Ushadi micromini, efloraofindia
Perhaps I will write Ushadi in future, as you rightly wrote there are more than one members by that name.

Perhaps I forgot to write that in the relevant thread (I will add now), the most important thing why I love this group is that "in spite of some occasional sharp exchanges,  members on this group love each other so much that no one is allowed to leave the group easily. There were occasions when some important members like Dinesh ji, Tanay or Rahida ji wanted to leave the group for some unpleasant episode, but all of really saw that they don't leave. Similarly Pankaj left the group temporarily because of I wrote some thing to Tanay about the norms the group. Tanay became my best friend (or my favourite) from that day, but Pankaj ji left the group, to rejoin after some time on requests from the members. I was the one who suggested his return to the moderator group again. That is the beauty and strength of the group".

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

Rashida Atthar

Mar 24, 2011, 2:01:11 AM3/24/11
to Ushadi micromini, efloraofindia
Thankyou for the appreciation Dr. Usha Deasi and  welcome to the group. It feels really good when few moments are spared by members to acknowledge the effforts put in for ones work. I have learned on the job during the Euphorbiaceae week, thanks to the brilliant concept by Dr. Gurcharan ji.  Discerning members like youself who like authentic information, are very  valuable indeed.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:56 AM, Ushadi micromini <micromi...@gmail.com> wrote:
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