Mrs. Sheila- Devoting her life for plants

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J.M. Garg

Apr 24, 2022, 11:41:27 AM4/24/22
to efloraofindia, Sheila Sadd
Dear members,
It is great to learn about her passion, a fellow member (from Scotland). 
She uses her 1,000's of plant pics as an aide memoire.... often boring pics to show whether opposite or alternate leaves, leaf shape, flowers, fruit, bark...any relevant detail.
It is a labour of love that she started in 2005 when she got her first computer and a tiny idiot proof Canon Ixus camera (no bigger than a packet of cigarettes)
Over the past 17 years, She has been taking pics of plants... be it in my garden, in my street, in the countryside, in garden centres, or in exotic places.
Once she has deleted rubbish pics, trimmed them and labelled them, she can find any plant instantly.. by name, date or country.  
She now has 77,496 of my plant pics on flickr, free for anyone to use with permission.
If She had time to add TAGs, colour etc then people would maybe find them more... Even now she is completely amazed at the number of times someone happens to find and look at her pics.
This very ordinary pic of Ardisia eliptica ..... see below found on Hawaii has had 855 people to look at it on flickr! Bizarre.!!!!
A computer and tiny camera have literally changed her life. 
Along the way she has seen and learned so much.
Every day is a school day.
With regards,

Gurcharan Singh

Apr 25, 2022, 3:36:58 AM4/25/22
to efloraofindia
Great devotion and knowledge of plants.

Dr.Nagesh Tekale

Apr 25, 2022, 3:46:30 AM4/25/22
Really admirable,our students can learn lot many things from her

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Dr. Nagesh Tekale.
President, Navdrushti.

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 25, 2022, 4:01:15 AM4/25/22
to efloraindia, Sheila Sadd, J.M. Garg
No words of praise for her. She is identifying most of my posts from my recent visit to the UK.

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju

Dr.Nagesh Tekale

Apr 25, 2022, 4:02:42 AM4/25/22
to, J.M. Garg, Sheila Sadd
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