Veronica didyma from Delhi

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Gurcharan Singh

16 Jan 2010, 8:39:38 am16/01/10
to efloraofindia, Flowers of India
Sending Veronica didyma Ten. (syn: V. agrestis Hook.f. (non L.); V. polita Fries) from Delhi. The species is quite distinct from V. persica in smaller pinkish flowers, pedicels shorter than subtending leaves (bracts), broadly triangular ovate leaves (usually broader than long), capsule with rounded lobes, diverging at acute angle or almost subparallel, covered with longer glandular hairs mixed with shorter simpler hairs, broader calyx lobes overlapping at base. European V. agrestis L. has ovate leaves, longer than width, fruit covered with only glandular hairs and shorter style.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089



18 Jan 2010, 12:29:05 pm18/01/10
to efloraofindia
Sharing images for comparison, of V. sp ( persica perhaps) and V.
arvensis, the latter flower is about 1.5 mm across. ( from USA)

Gurcharan ji,
Thanx for the Veronica post. I did not know Veronicas are found
around Delhi. .Are there 4 bracts to each flower , and the fruit
in V.d.Delhi-4, is that from a single flower. ?


>  Veronica-didyma-Delhi-4.jpg
> 143KViewDownload
>  Veronica-didyma-Delhi-1.jpg
> 171KViewDownload
>  Veronica-didyma-Delhi-2.jpg
> 147KViewDownload
>  Veronica-didyma-Delhi-3.jpg
> 332KViewDownload

Gurcharan Singh

19 Jan 2010, 4:51:56 am19/01/10
to greenearth, efloraofindia
Sinha ji

There are no images of V. persica and V. arvensis in your mail, perhaps you missed uploading them.

V. persica, though closer to P. didyma is much different in leaf shape and size, length of pedicel and fruit, which has a widely diverging sinus (obtuse angle) and keeled lobes in fruit. Flower is also larger. I had uploaded V. persica separately.

V. arvensis, though having similar leaves is much different with subtending bracts much smaller than foliage leaves and aggregated in terminal inflorescence. also the pedicels are much smaller.

As for my V. didyma, there is no question of 4 bracts, as subtending leaves are unmodified. By any chance, did you mean calyx lobes?. Also one flower will produce only one fruit in Veronica.

Thanks for your mail.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

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Gurcharan Singh

22 Mar 2023, 3:38:29 pm22/03/23
to eFloraofIndia
Now correctly known as V. polita subsp. polita
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