Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. iii. 111, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 483, excl. syn. ; leaves elliptic acute obscurely pubescent or glabrate, flower-clusters axillary and terminal sessile more rarely shortly peduncled, bracts cuneate-elliptic or obovate apiculate not acuminate. T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ix. 519, partly ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 196 ?. Justicia chinensis, Wall. Cat. 2466, letter D, and part B, C.
Plains of N. INDIA, from the Punjab to Assam, Silhet and E. Bengal, frequent. BHOTAN ; Griffith.
Stems 1-3 ft., elongate, nearly glabrous. Leaves 2.1/2 by 1 in., base cuneate ; petiole 1/4 in. Bracts nearly 1/2 by 1/5 in., often 3-nerved, ciliate, thinly pubescent. Corolla 3/4 in. Capsule 1/4 in., clavate, puberulous or glabrous. Seeds conspicuously verrucose.—The whole of the plains form of B. Roxburghiana differs from Var. bupleuroides in the broader, more or less obovate, bracts. Nees founded his species on the common Assam and E. Bengal plant, and the original ticket on his type specimen is marked Assam. Bentham, however (in Fl. Hongk. 266), says this was an error, and that this type specimen came from the Calcutta Botanic Garden ; but it is not known how Bentham discovered this. Nees, however, is in error in citing Roxburgh’s Justicia chinensis, for Roxburgh’s Ic. Ined, proves this to have been the true plant, long cultivated at Calcutta.