Key from Bailey, Manual of Cultivated Plants
Fls. dark red or purple.
Lvs. densely white-pubescent beneath 1. P. crassifolium
Lvs. glabrous beneath 2. P. tenuifolium
Fls. white, greenish, or yellow.
Lvs. obtuse, very thick and leathery.
Petals almost 1/2 in. long 3. P. Tobira
Petals 1/4 in. or less long 4. P. viridiflorum
Lvs. acute, rather thin.
Fls. axillary: lvs. linear 5. P. phillyrseoides
Fls. in terminal clusters: lvs. lanceolate or broader.
Shape of lvs. rhomboid, margins coarsely toothed 6. P. rhombifolium Shape of lvs. oval-oblong to lanceolate, margins undulate.
Petals about ^in. long 7. P. undulatum
Petals less than lA\n.. long 8. P. eugenioides
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.