blum-EE-uh -- named after Karl Ludwig von Blume, Dutch botanist ...
Plant Names - Scientific and Popular •
Plant genera named after people
lan-see-oh-LAIR-ee-uh -- lance-like ...
Dave's Botanary
commonly known as: lanceleaf blumea •
Manipuri: তেৰা পাঈবী মচা tera paibi macha •
Mizo: buar-ze
botanical names:
Blumea lanceolaria (Roxb.) Druce ...
Bileveillea granulatifolia H.Lév. •
Blumea lanceolaria var. spectabilis (DC.) Randeria •
Blumea laxiflora Elmer •
Blumea longifolia DC. •
Blumea myriocephala DC. •
Blumea nitida Zoll. & Moritzi •
Blumea sessilifolia DC. •
Blumea spectabilis DC. •
Blumea squarrosa C.B.Clarke •
Blumea wallichii C.B.Clarke •
Conyza lanceolaria Roxb. •
Conyza longifolia B.Heyne ex Wall. •
Conyza nitida Miq. •
Conyza squarrosa Wall. •
Gorteria loureiroana DC. ...
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
lanceleaf blumea
- Flowers of India
- the descriptive epithet lanceolaria = lance-like; refers to leaf-shape resembling the metal head of lance
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
তেৰা পাঈবী মচা tera paibi macha
- Flowers of India
- Many thanks to Pintu Oinam for help with this name in his post at facebook
- Many thanks to Pushpita Aheibam for help with this name in her facebook page Pushpita's Chakhum
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
- A Traditional and Pharmacological Approach of Medicinal Plants in Mizoram, India by Amar Deep Soren and Pawi Bawitlung Lalthanpuii
- Wild edible plant resources used by the Mizos of Mizoram, India
by A. Kar, D.Bora, S. K. Borthakur, N. K. Goswami, D. Saharia -
Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology VOL.
9, No. I, July, 2013, 106-126
Though this species is found
distributed in Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Odisha, there are
no local names known from the states.
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