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Fwd: In regard with Nepal, please check the section : About the temperate Tulsi ecotypes,

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J.M. Garg

Sep 12, 2022, 10:51:21 AM9/12/22
to efloraofindia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Xochipelli <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sept 2022 at 20:07
Subject: In regard with Nepal, please check the section : About the temperate Tulsi ecotypes,
To: <>, J.M. Garg <>
Cc: <>

Dear Friend,

Here is my latest monograph:

Ethiopia is the source of the temperate Tulsi with its spicy scent of vanilla and myrrh… and red pollen

All the best.

Xochi. aka Dominique Guillet

In regard with Nepal, please check the section : About the temperate Tulsi ecotypes, with red pollen, listed as Ocimum americanum in North America and Asia

I love Nepal since my frits trip in 1978. Then I went to Ladack who opened to western people. I am not young anymore.

I went a few times to Nepal, when I was young (Bom Shambu!) and when I was old - and I was, even, once invited by the ministry of agriculture of Bhutan to give a course on organic seed production and it was a fantastic adventure and a privilege. 

I am also the founder of Association Kokopelli, in France, with  the biggest spectrum of organic seeds for heirlooms and medicinal plants (with a huge collection of Tulsi) in the world.

I am also the co-founder, with Stephane, of the Annadana seed bank in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, in 2000 - closed in 2012.

I started a non-profit seed organisation in Nepal "Kokopelli Himalayas" with a Newari who was friendly... but a crook.

I was, for many years, a botanist in USA, in the deserts, and here are my websites:

With regards,

J.M. Garg

Sep 12, 2022, 10:52:04 AM9/12/22
to Xochipelli,,
Good work. Keep it up.
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