I feel the leaves belong to Ficus rumphii. can any body provide images
of leaf of F. rumphii too.
Satish Pardeshi
On Aug 19, 11:10 am, shubhada nikharge <
> Dear Renee,
> Nice pics of leaves, stipules and figs. Good series of pics.
> Attaching the pics of Ficus arnottiana tree taken at Maharashtra Nature Park,
> Dharavi, Mumbai in Jan 2009.
> Marathi name : पायर
> Family : Moraceae
> Cheers,
> Shubhada
> "I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do
> something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
> ________________________________
> From: renee vyas vyas <
> To: efloraofindia <
> Sent: Thu, 19 August, 2010 9:31:49 AM
> Subject: [efloraofindia:44782] Ficus arnottiana
> Dear Friends,
> I am sharing the pictures of Ficus arnottiana taken in Candolium, North Goa in
> 1st week of Aug,10.
> Thanks, with regards,
> Renee
> Ficus arnottiana bark पायर 2009_0118_mnp_0012 e.jpg
> 155KViewDownload
> Ficus arnottiana bark पायर 2009_0118_mnp_0013 e.jpg
> 157KViewDownload