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Camera Query: How to decide?

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Pankaj Kumar

Mar 1, 2011, 10:43:15 AM3/1/11
to indiantreepix
How to Decide?

This can be answered by putting some simple questions:

1. What is going to be your most likely subject

Ans: Depending on your choice,

for FLORA you will always need a good camera which has a GOOD MACRO
mode very LOW MINIMUM FOCUSING DISTANCE, allowing you to take
good details at minimum distance.

for FAUNA, you will need a lens with atleast good MAGNIFICATION. Many
people dont understand the true meaning of ZOOM and MAGNIFICATION.
Many of the so called 25x zoom compact digital cameras actually has
not more than 6x magnification. To check please look at the lens
configuration. For example,
Canon-PowerShot SX20 IS has 20x zoom but the lens configuration is 28-
560mm which means it will give a magnification of 5.6x ONLY. For zoom
calculation divide 560 by 28 (= 28)

for SCENERY, you will need a good WIDEANGLE, which is available in
most of the prosumer cameras. These lens also help a lot in indoor
photography. In prosumer cameras, there is always an option of MACRO
mode, hence, such lens can as as multipurpose camera, which can be
used for multiple subjects.

for PORTRAITS, macro lens works fine in DSLR, otherwise any Prosumer
camera is good. It also depends on the camera and its ability to
produce skin color tone, which most of the normal cameras lack. If I
buy a camera then the first thing I do is take a picture of some
person and match the skin color or take a picture of some bright
subject and match the tone of the color. Some cameras though they work
fine they produce extravagant colours which I personally hate.

for SPORTS, you will always need a good shutter speed and ISO
settings. which is not always available in all lower end cameras.

2. What will be your budget?

This is the most crucial part. You will have to decide if you wish to
buy a compact camera or prosumer or DSLR. You cant get all functions
in one camera and if you are planning to buy a DSLR then always
remember that there are specific lenses for specific purpose and hence
cost keep rising higher and higher.

3. What to buy?

If you are a learner then try something basic.
If you are learned but dont want to invest then go for PROSUMER cameras.
If you travel a lot then you would prefer smaller body with multiple
functions (PROSUMER).

People who keep travelling but every purpose other than photography
should go for compact cameras.
People who travel especially for photography should obviously have a
good camera, either Prosumer or a DSLR.

4. Are you planning for long term investment?

If you are looking for long term investment then you should always go
for sturdy body. It also depends on your knowledge of camera and its



Pankaj Kumar Ph.D. (Orchidaceae)
Research Associate
Greater Kailash Sacred Landscape Project
Department of Habitat Ecology
Wildlife Institute of India
Post Box # 18
Dehradun - 248001, India


Mar 1, 2011, 12:44:29 PM3/1/11
to efloraofindia
Thank you very much for the very useful information.

Dinesh Valke

Mar 1, 2011, 12:54:14 PM3/1/11
to Chitralekha, efloraofindia
Dear Pankaj ... found this share of knowledge very useful.
Many thanks.


Mar 1, 2011, 12:57:11 PM3/1/11
to Pankaj Kumar, indiantreepix
Thanks Dr.Pankaj, for the useful information.
Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

Balkar Arya

Mar 1, 2011, 8:27:56 PM3/1/11
to Vijayasankar, Pankaj Kumar, indiantreepix
Dear Pankaj Ji
This also related to eflora. Finally it is the quality of the camera that help us in idfying pics easily, if have good field of depth and resolution. Thanks for your inputs.


Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat

Gurcharan Singh

Mar 1, 2011, 9:46:45 PM3/1/11
to Balkar Arya, Vijayasankar, Pankaj Kumar, indiantreepix
No Pankaj ji
Your these write ups are most appropriate for the group. Please keep this up. It will hep many on the group.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

manudev madhavan

Mar 2, 2011, 12:52:29 AM3/2/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Balkar Arya, Vijayasankar, Pankaj Kumar, indiantreepix
Thank you very much for the informations..!!
Manudev K Madhavan
Junior Research Fellow
Systematic & Floristic Lab,
Department of Botany, 
Centre for Postgraduate Studies & Research 
St. Joseph's College, Devagiri
Kozhikode- 673 008
Mob: 9496470738

Muthu Karthick

Mar 3, 2011, 4:01:10 AM3/3/11
to manudev madhavan, Gurcharan Singh, Balkar Arya, Vijayasankar, Pankaj Kumar, indiantreepix
Dear Pankaj sir,
Highly useful information for me in this topic. Now only I am exposed to use Aperture, Shutter speed, etc. Hence I found this Camera topic as sharpening my photography skills.
Muthu Karthick, N
Care Earth Trust
#15, second main road,
Thillai ganga nagar,
Chennai - 600 061
Mob: 0091 96268 33911

Anand Kumar Bhatt

Mar 4, 2011, 9:10:26 AM3/4/11
to Pankaj Kumar, indiantreepix
I have been using 70-300 with my old D50 Nikon DSLR. I recently acquired D3000 and found that G series 70-300 can work on it only on manual mode. I have recently ordered a 55-300 VR for the D3000. I will let you know its results. 
I purchased one Nikon prime lens for my dauughter long time back. I think it was 105 if not 110. Even now my daughter J
jealously guards it and uses it. 
I have never any difficulty with taking photographs of flowers with 70-300. You can see some photos on my site on flick:
But basically I am an amateur and I have never taken photography seriously. Nor do I have expensive equipments.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Pankaj Kumar <> wrote:
Dear Bhatt sir,
For floral photography 70-300 lens is not good as the minimum distance
in it is around 1.5m which is not good. Its a tele lens.
Moreover, 70-300 G lens is not compatible with DSLR, it cant focus on
the infinity. Rather 70-300 VR ED lens serves a better purpose.
Unfortunately I am not aware of any 110 mm lens from Nikkor. You may
please send me the link to its specification.
Yes there are portrait modes on DSLR as well as Compact and Prosumer cameras.
Yes, 55-300 should be better over 70-300 owing to the fact that both
have same f, i.e., 4.5 - 5.6.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Anand Kumar Bhatt
<> wrote:
> Pankaj. Thanks for the illuminating write-up. One keeps  on learning.
> I have found Nikon 70-300 with a Nikon auto focus DSLR body serving all
> purpose. Using a long lens for flora means that you get rid of unnecessary
> details by keeping them out of focus. For portrait you could use 110 mm
> which is considered ideal, and in the Dslr in the auto mode there is a
> portrait mode which keeps out the unnecessary details.
> The cheapest Nikon DSLR is D3000 or 3100 and it gives a wide angle lens
> 18-55  I think Now a cheaper version of 70-300 is 55-300 with a VR function
> which means that it mitigates the camera shake effects. It also means that
> you can do bird photography from a  boat.
> Please dont think that I am carrying a brief for Nikon. Canon also has the
> same apparatus and I thing slightly cheaper as well!
> ak

> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:22 AM, manudev madhavan
> <> wrote:
> --
> Anand Kumar Bhatt
> A-59, B.S.F.Colony, Airport Road
> Gwalior. 474 005.
> Tele: 0751-247 2233. Mobile 0 94253 09780.
> My blogsite is at:
> (A NEW BLOG HAS BEEN ADDED ON 29 jJanuary 2011.)
> And the photo site:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Ten most  common surnames of Indians: Singh, Kumar, Sharma, Patel, Shah,
> Lal, Gupta, Bhat, Rao, Reddy. Cheers!


Pankaj Kumar Ph.D. (Orchidaceae)
Research Associate
Greater Kailash Sacred Landscape Project
Department of Habitat Ecology
Wildlife Institute of India
Post Box # 18
Dehradun - 248001, India

Anand Kumar Bhatt
A-59, B.S.F.Colony, Airport Road
Gwalior. 474 005.
Tele: 0751-247 2233. Mobile 0 94253 09780.
My blogsite is at:
(A NEW BLOG HAS BEEN ADDED ON 29 jJanuary 2011.)
And the photo site:
Ten most  common surnames of Indians: Singh, Kumar, Sharma, Patel, Shah, Lal, Gupta, Bhat, Rao, Reddy. Cheers!

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