Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Week: Heracleum candicans from Kashmir

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Gurcharan Singh

Aug 3, 2011, 2:06:56 AM8/3/11
to efloraofindia, Flowers of India, Tabish
Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 4:192. 1830

Tall pubescent herb reaching 2 m; leaves 20-40 cm long, pinnate, pinnae lobed or not, segments up to 20 cm long, glabrous or pubescent above, densely and often white tomentose beneath, margin serrate; rays 15-35, without involucre bracts; involucel bracts 5-8, linear to lanceolate; outer petals longer than others; fruit compressed, prominently winged.

Common in Kashmir valley in forest slopes. Photographed from Herbal Garden below Cheshmashahi, Srinagar Kashmir in   

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

Heracleum-candicans-Herbal garden-Kashmir-1.jpg
Heracleum-candicans-Herbal garden-Kashmir-2.jpg
Heracleum-candicans-Herbal garden-Kashmir-3.jpg


Aug 3, 2011, 10:54:05 AM8/3/11
to Gurcharan Singh, efloraofindia, Flowers of India, Tabish
Nice pictures, Gurcharan ji.
Thank you all for the Apiaceae series, which is a great learning for me. Several taxa are new to me.
I liked also the write up part that distinguishes closely related and easily confused species. Please keep it on.
Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

Gurcharan Singh

Aug 3, 2011, 10:56:43 AM8/3/11
to Vijayasankar, efloraofindia, Flowers of India, Tabish
Thank you so much, Vijayasankar ji

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

Ushadi micromini

Aug 4, 2011, 3:17:09 AM8/4/11
to efloraofindia
very nice, new to me ...
pic number two reminds me of the seedpods of Angelica , taken by
steven ( url in my thread)

Usha di

On Aug 3, 11:06 am, Gurcharan Singh <singh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Heracleum candicans* Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 4:192. 1830
>  Heracleum-candicans-Herbal garden-Kashmir-1.jpg
> 318KViewDownload
>  Heracleum-candicans-Herbal garden-Kashmir-2.jpg
> 294KViewDownload
>  Heracleum-candicans-Herbal garden-Kashmir-3.jpg
> 297KViewDownload

Gurcharan Singh

Aug 4, 2011, 9:15:06 PM8/4/11
to Ushadi micromini, efloraofindia
You are righr Ushadi, the two are equally tall, with similar broader leaf segments but Angelica normally does not have that leathery leaves and not white beneath. More so fruit does not have prominent wings.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

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