High-resolution photos of Musa textilis

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Javier Francisco-Ortega at FIU

May 21, 2023, 8:30:38 PM5/21/23
to efloraofindia, cbur...@fiu.edu
Dear Colleagues of Eflora India,

I am supervising an undergraduate research project centered in the expedition that David Fairchild made to Mesoamerica in 1944. During this trip he encountered and made photos of Musa textilis in Honduras. We are writing a paper (to be submitted to Huntia) focused on his findings and would like to know if any member of the Eflora India Group has a photo of a plant of this species with fruits that could kindly share with us.
Coral and I very much appreciate your help and time with this query.
With kindest regards,


Javier Francisco-Ortega,
Department of Biological Sciences,
Florida International University,
OE167 - University Park,
Miami, FL 33199

Kelly Research Fellow,
Montgomery Botanical Center,
11901 Old Cutler Road,
Coral Gables (Miami),
FL 33156

Associate-Editor: Taxon

J.M. Garg

May 22, 2023, 12:56:19 AM5/22/23
to efloraofindia, orteg...@gmail.com
Thanks, Javier ji,
We do not have any observation of this species in our database as per comparative images at 

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With regards,

J.M. Garg

May 24, 2023, 7:26:14 AM5/24/23
to efloraofindia, orteg...@gmail.com

Forwarding again for any assistance in the matter please.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Javier Francisco-Ortega at FIU <orteg...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 at 06:00
Subject: [efloraofindia:447340] High-resolution photos of Musa textilis
To: efloraofindia <indian...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: <cbur...@fiu.edu>

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With regards,
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