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Plant for ID: Ernakulam, Kerala: 10 July 2021

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Nancy Seby

Aug 7, 2021, 9:04:41 AM8/7/21
to efloraofindia
Hello everybody, 

Please help ID this plant that grows in the wild. It's 40-60 cms tall with thin leaves.

Place: Kerala
Date: 10th July 2021

I am confused between Kyllinga elata and Kyllinga brevifolia.

Thank you in advance
Nancy Seby
Plant for ID4.JPG
Plant for ID1.JPG
Plant for ID2.JPG
Plant for ID3.JPG

J.M. Garg

Aug 16, 2021, 6:01:52 AM8/16/21
to efloraofindia, Nancy Seby
Thanks, Nancy ji.

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With regards,
Plant for ID4.JPG
Plant for ID1.JPG
Plant for ID2.JPG
Plant for ID3.JPG

Nancy Seby

Aug 17, 2021, 12:51:36 AM8/17/21
to efloraofindia
I am not sure of the ID. Could it be  Kyllinga elata, Kyllinga brevifolia or Kyllinga polyphylla?

Warm regards
Nancy Seby

J.M. Garg

Aug 23, 2021, 1:03:59 AM8/23/21
to efloraofindia, Nancy Seby
Thanks a lot, Prasad ji

With regards,
J. M. Garg

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: PRASAD V.P. <>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug, 2021, 7:43 am
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:394504] Plant for ID: Ernakulam, Kerala: 10 July 2021
To: J.M. Garg <>

It is Cyperus aromaticus (Redl.) Mattf. & Kük. (= Kyllinga polyphylla Willd. ex Kunth)

V.P.. Prasad

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Nancy Seby

Aug 23, 2021, 1:49:39 AM8/23/21
to efloraofindia
Thank you very much, Mr. Prasad.

Warm regards
Nancy Seby

J.M. Garg

Aug 23, 2021, 1:49:47 AM8/23/21
to Nancy Seby, efloraofindia
"For some reason, I am not able to reply from the Gmail interface."- what is the issue ?

On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 at 11:17, <> wrote:

For some reason, I am not able to reply from the Gmail interface.


Thank you very much, Mr. Prasad.


Warm regards

Nancy Seby


With regards,

Nancy Seby

Aug 23, 2021, 1:50:45 AM8/23/21
to efloraofindia
Figured out and corrected the problem. So I deleted the message.

Thank you again.
Nancy Seby

J.M. Garg

Aug 23, 2021, 1:55:00 AM8/23/21
to efloraofindia
OK, Nancy ji

With regards,
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