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Request for Species Id DKV 070611-1 Cactus fruit....

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Dev Kumar

Jun 7, 2011, 11:06:36 AM6/7/11
to indiantreepix
Mhow, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
From my garden.
Can someone tell me the species name please.


Ushadi micromini

Jun 7, 2011, 10:53:57 PM6/7/11
to Dev Kumar, efloraofindia
Dear Dev ji:
could you also photograph the mother plant of this fruit, if its in
your garden..the fruit ...the mother should also be around!!!
Usha di

>  DSC01994.JPG
> 121KViewDownload
>  DSC01997.JPG
> 137KViewDownload

Gurcharan Singh

Jun 7, 2011, 11:35:56 PM6/7/11
to Ushadi micromini, Dev Kumar, efloraofindia
Opuntia sp

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

Dev Kumar

Jun 8, 2011, 12:08:50 AM6/8/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Ushadi micromini, efloraofindia
Opuntia Sp is right. Thank you Dr Gurcharan Singh.
The plants in my garden are the same as this image I found using google image:

Dev Kumar

Jun 8, 2011, 12:15:55 AM6/8/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Ushadi micromini, efloraofindia
Opuntia Indica Ficus.
The Wikipedia page on this plant:


Jun 9, 2011, 7:06:25 AM6/9/11
to efloraofindia
Could be Opuntia dillenii.

On Jun 7, 8:06 pm, Dev Kumar <> wrote:
>  DSC01994.JPG
> 121KViewDownload
>  DSC01997.JPG
> 137KViewDownload

Gurcharan Singh

Aug 29, 2011, 5:21:25 AM8/29/11
to Dev Kumar, efloraofindia, Ushadi micrmini, Mahadeswara, H S
Resurfacing again for ID

Earlier feedback

Me..................................................................Opuntia sp.

Dev Kumar ji.......................................................Opuntia indica ficus (ficus indica)

Mahadeshwara ji.................................................Could be Opuntia dillennii

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

ushadi Micromini

Aug 29, 2011, 10:49:45 AM8/29/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Dev Kumar, efloraofindia, Mahadeswara, H S
Dear All: I honor Dr. Gurucharan ji'  s opinion...
but since he is sending it out again means... he is not convinced himself, is that it, Guruchran ji?

I do not wish to contradict you or other erstwhile botanists, BUT  in Medicine If we did diagnosis  a picture of a lump  ... we would be nowhere... same must be true for other branches of science.... including botany... and the botany specialist/s  should not be put into a situation such as this... it behooves anybody asking for ID ... to show the mother plant... especially since its in your own garden....!!!!!     Whatever its worth , that's my opinion....

  I am not convinced of the diagnosis ... many cactus derived fruits may look similar... I think I had voiced my doubts earlier...   why is it surfacing again?
Usha di


Sep 3, 2011, 6:38:49 AM9/3/11
to ushadi Micromini, Gurcharan Singh, Dev Kumar, efloraofindia, Mahadeswara
In this photo we can only say  that its an Opuntia species... get more photo to identify the species level..

agree with Usha di ..., here lots of photos which are not even a quality of identifying the family are posted again and again for identification (resurfing) ... 

and also resurfing for the identified species.... 

pls find some solution for these.. or send it to only experts, bcoz every one do not have so much time to read the same post again and again..


 - H.S.

A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone

Gurcharan Singh

Sep 3, 2011, 6:46:49 AM9/3/11
to H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, efloraofindia, Mahadeswara
Dear H S 
For me all 1700 members are equally important, although experts are especially marked.
Resurfacing job is a thankless job which myself and Garg ji has undertaken. No one volunteered when I was out to Kashmir for two months. Let us volunteer for jobs rather than criticizing others who do it for the sake of the group.


Sep 3, 2011, 6:53:42 AM9/3/11
to Gurcharan Singh, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, efloraofindia, Mahadeswara
Sirji when you have marked the experts than why not send these post to them and give conclusion to others..

for me too everyone is equally important... and i know that everyone is not expert in botany rather taxonomy... they may be experts in their own field... i cant take photos as Dinesh ji takes... so its all about expertising...


Gurcharan Singh

Sep 3, 2011, 7:04:50 AM9/3/11
to H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, efloraofindia, Mahadeswara
Dear H S 
It would be more useful to take up some useful assignment on the group. We have our style to do our jobs and are happy with that.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

Sep 3, 2011, 7:17:10 AM9/3/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Actually I always admire Sirji and Gargji for their dedication. I think that they must have kept seperate folder for unidentified sps from where they must be taking out mails for unidentified plants. Something like Pandoras box you know. Very paitiently they resurface the mails, with full dedication, hope that a new member joined may be able to identify it. Or some non botanist if has taken interest in taxanomy may take up the task. Or some botanist may take the lead again to search in their knowledge box and find out the name!!!
I really appreciate the efforts, hope, love, dedication and----!
As for me I am not a botanist and will never be able to a taxanomist. So its of no use to open the mail and read the content. So what I do? When I open the inbox and see the mails on sirji and Garji's name with 'fwd' as prefix I DELETE the mail by just marking them all togather in one stroke. It doesn't take time. But I know at that time someone else is breaking the head to identify the plant.
For the photo which requires some details are taken by some enthusiast for the love of beauty and then feel that the name should be known. Hence sent to the group. If the hard core Botanist can explain that person what is needed he/she may take other photo and will sent. If can't may say so. Then the photo can be eliminated for ever.
But I know many members of group who are non botanist have become the leading personalities of the group by improving upon suggesstions given. Since I am a teacher myself I feel that improvements can be brought in students if we wish too.
My request to members will be give suggestions for improvement if you have patience or else don't react. But don't show your frustetion.
Similarly see the 'fwd' short form of forwaded as prefix to mails from sirji and Gargji and open only if youwant to see the resurfaced mail. Else delete it with a click of mouse. Don't hurt the person with your overethusiasum.

Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

From: Gurcharan Singh <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 16:16:49 +0530
Cc: ushadi Micromini<>; Dev Kumar<>; efloraofindia<>; Mahadeswara<>
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:79362] Request for Species Id DKV 070611-1 Cactus fruit....

Gurcharan Singh

Sep 3, 2011, 7:50:21 AM9/3/11
to, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Madhuri ji
You have said it all. There are two ways of using delete buttons. mark all mails that you want to delete and press delete button. Otherwise click delete all, unmark few that you want to retain, and press delete button. Either way it takes few seconds. Only Aarti ji, Alok ji, Prashant ji, Muthu ji, Ritesh ji, and others whose mails are resurfaced regularly know the importance of resurfacing. You would be surprised to know that most of good  ideas come from persons who are supposed to be non-experts. I remember a plant resurfaced several times with no conclusion, till Aarti ji came up with identification which we could have never imagined. Similarly I have seen the growth of Alok ji in recent months. He is a real asset to the group sending us photographs from Western Himalayas. 
    I love this group for heterogeneity. I am more happy when an identification comes from Yazdy ji, Aarti ji, Alok ji, Dinesh ji (although he is more expert than many of us), Tabish ji, Garg ji,etc. I love that, many of us love that, and let us allow it to remain like this. We are all one big family and let us not make distinction between experts and ordinary members time and again.
   As Garg ji has been writing regularly. There is lot of work on our website and experts can definitely help in process of building eFlora of India in our website.

Sep 3, 2011, 10:03:32 AM9/3/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
I respect every member of the group so much that I can't tolerate the complaints. Everyone is doing their job so well. All are so dedicated to the tasks they have taken by their wish.
Every person has his/her specialty and I respect it. When I say I delete the forwarded mails by you or Gargji, is because I will not be of any help there. But I respect the joy of getting the unidentified sps identified.
Sirji I was planning to write a thanks letter to group. I could not. But I am happy to tell that Dr has allowed me to join my duties. Of course I do have to take lot of precautions. I have to wear a special socks with supporting rods to support my ankle,walk slow, climb stair very carefully, but I am back on my feet. I joined college on 24th August and could not get a single minute to express my feelings.
But I will like to confess every member of eflora has helped me to keep myself cool, joyful, happy, tolerent, etc etc. I enjoyed the Himalayan flora, Panipat flora, name of plants, Valmiki and all other threads. It made me forget my pain. It was a remedy on my home asylum.
I wish someday I will be able to meet everyone of you. Thanks a lot for keeping me as fresh as I was.


Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

From: Gurcharan Singh <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 17:20:21 +0530
Cc: Efloraindia<>; H S<>; ushadi Micromini<>; Dev Kumar<>; Mahadeswara<>
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:79375] Request for Species Id DKV 070611-1 Cactus fruit....

Gurcharan Singh

Sep 3, 2011, 10:14:25 AM9/3/11
to, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Madhuri ji
We have all been wishing for your speedy recovery and hope you are soon completely recovered to forget the previous pains. Efl is a big family where we feel and share sorrows and happiness of every other member.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

Balkar Arya

Sep 3, 2011, 10:53:17 AM9/3/11
to Gurcharan Singh,, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Yes Madhuri ji
thanks for your respect and affection with the group. We all wish your quick recovery. By the way if you wish you can join us on any of the flower hunting tour after you recovery.

Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat

ushadi Micromini

Sep 3, 2011, 12:00:02 PM9/3/11
to Balkar Arya, Gurcharan Singh,, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Mahadeswara
Appreciate what Madhuriji, and Gurucharanji are saying...  about the group and its working and goodness all around... we can make a different thread for that....  it would be memorable and become part of our hall of fame....

this particular thread should have remained as a glowing example of what not to do if one is asking for a diagnosis....

but ...  we got side tracked... where is the original sender... Dev kumar in all this...??/
I for one am not happy to agree to a diagnosis based on a painting at the wiki site or a flicker photo whose authorship is not showing up... whose copyright is it? what continent of the god's green earth did that particular photo originate from?   what season, what is the size of the plant or the fruit?????  how do we know the mother plant is really the same as what's in the flicker photo or the wiki illustration....  ????  all that is conjecture and NOT SCIENTIFIC....  TAXONOMY IS SERIOUS SCIENCE AFTER ALL.   ....

If Dev kumar ji can not submit a foto of the original mother plant that produced this fruit...
may be this thread can stop right here and be as is....

that's my 2 cents worth....
Usha di

Madhuri ji     you said this,  I quote  "But I know at that time someone else is breaking the head to identify the plant. "     its absolutely truly, I am compulsive and look at all, and do break my head over trying to id the plant... so it behooves the sender to respect "my" (and all other members' and especially the experts' ) time   and be as explicit and elaborate as possible  when sending in an item

PS  WHAT RECOVERY, Madhuri ji... did I miss something?

hope all is well....
Usha di

Sep 3, 2011, 12:38:12 PM9/3/11
to Balkar Arya, Efloraindia, Gurcharan Singh, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Thank you so much Balkar ji.
Sure I will join. I will love it. You know the best part of plant hunting is they don't fly away. So every member in the group can enjoy the treasure.
Thanks for the offer. Best luck for the Malvaceae week.


Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

From: Balkar Arya <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 20:23:17 +0530
To: Gurcharan Singh<>
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:79405] Request for Species Id DKV 070611-1 Cactus fruit....

Balkar Arya

Sep 3, 2011, 12:48:01 PM9/3/11
to, Efloraindia, Gurcharan Singh, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Thanks Madhuri Ji

Sep 3, 2011, 12:52:07 PM9/3/11
to ushadi Micromini, Efloraindia, Balkar Arya, Gurcharan Singh, H S, Mahadeswara
Dear dear Ushadi
For sure the thread should stop here. But what I will like to tell is I was just talking about resurfing the mails. The very respected member objected on resurfing again and again. It was not any specific mail but resurfing in general.
I agree that taxonomy should not be based on any painted picture. And I know that how much efforts you and every other hard core taxonomist of this group take. So every member should try to improve quality of photos, details of the plant part, diff angles, habit/habitat, location etc. No objection for that.
But whatever has been sent on mail if not identified gets resurfed by some respected members with the wish that let it get identified. For this objection should not be raised. That's all.
Di pl take of your head. Don't break it as I broke my anckle. Was home locked for 72 days to be precised.
Now joined the duties.


Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

From: ushadi Micromini <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 21:30:02 +0530
To: Balkar Arya<>
Cc: Gurcharan Singh<>; <>; Efloraindia<>; H S<>; ushadi Micromini<>; Mahadeswara<>
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:79413] Request for Species Id DKV 070611-1 Cactus fruit....
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