unread,Sep 3, 2011, 7:17:10 AM9/3/11Sign in to reply to author
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to Gurcharan Singh, Efloraindia, H S, ushadi Micromini, Dev Kumar, Mahadeswara
Actually I always admire Sirji and Gargji for their dedication. I think that they must have kept seperate folder for unidentified sps from where they must be taking out mails for unidentified plants. Something like Pandoras box you know. Very paitiently they resurface the mails, with full dedication, hope that a new member joined may be able to identify it. Or some non botanist if has taken interest in taxanomy may take up the task. Or some botanist may take the lead again to search in their knowledge box and find out the name!!!
I really appreciate the efforts, hope, love, dedication and----!
As for me I am not a botanist and will never be able to a taxanomist. So its of no use to open the mail and read the content. So what I do? When I open the inbox and see the mails on sirji and Garji's name with 'fwd' as prefix I DELETE the mail by just marking them all togather in one stroke. It doesn't take time. But I know at that time someone else is breaking the head to identify the plant.
For the photo which requires some details are taken by some enthusiast for the love of beauty and then feel that the name should be known. Hence sent to the group. If the hard core Botanist can explain that person what is needed he/she may take other photo and will sent. If can't may say so. Then the photo can be eliminated for ever.
But I know many members of group who are non botanist have become the leading personalities of the group by improving upon suggesstions given. Since I am a teacher myself I feel that improvements can be brought in students if we wish too.
My request to members will be give suggestions for improvement if you have patience or else don't react. But don't show your frustetion.
Similarly see the 'fwd' short form of forwaded as prefix to mails from sirji and Gargji and open only if youwant to see the resurfaced mail. Else delete it with a click of mouse. Don't hurt the person with your overethusiasum.
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 16:16:49 +0530
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:79362] Request for Species Id DKV 070611-1 Cactus fruit....