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Family of the week-Amaranthaceae

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satish phadke

Jan 11, 2008, 3:30:02 AM1/11/08
to indiantreepix

Out of the 315 odd families some 50to 60 are commoner and more important.
This week's family is

Amaranthaceae.Cockscomb family.
Greek amarantos : unfading....long lasting flowers.

India and tropical America are chief distribution centres.
Large family--Includes some garden plants and pot herbs.
Vegetative characters :annual or perennial herbs,shrubs and rarely erect or climbing shrubs.
Stems often show abnormal secondary growth.
Leaves: alternate or opposite exstipulate,simple usually entire.
Flowers and Inflorescences:Small flowers are aggregated into simple or branched panicles spike s heads or cymes.Flowers are actinomorphic,bisexual or frequently unisexual,pentamerous and hypogynous.
Calyx-5 free basally connate sepals.
Petals are absent.Stamens are 5 and areopposite the sepals.
Sometimes nectar secreting disc is present.(bosia)
Pollination and dispersal:Nectar disc and showy flowers ==>insectpollination
Gomphrena--winged fruits=>dispersal by wind.Achyranthus Cyathula and Pupalia develop hooks on sepals which adhere to passing animals and humans.
Economic Importance:Little.
Few are used as food.
Amaranthus (Mar.Chavalai)Leafy vegetable.
Celosia argentea:(Attached picture)spikes attract butterflies,Tender shoots are cooked and eaten
Alternanthera tenella and A.sessilis are common weeds.
Gomphrena globosa.

J.M. Garg

Jan 11, 2008, 7:31:33 AM1/11/08
to satish phadke, indiantreepix
Here is the link & attachment of Digera arvensis from this family, posted by Sh. Debasish:
On 1/11/08, satish phadke < > wrote:

Out of the 315 odd families some 50to 60 are commoner and more important.
This week's family is

Amaranthaceae.Cockscomb family.
Greek amarantos : unfading....long lasting flowers.

India and tropical America are chief distribution centres.
Large family--Includes some garden plants and pot herbs.
Vegetative characters :annual or perennial herbs,shrubs and rarely erect or climbing shrubs.
Stems often show abnormal secondary growth.
Leaves: alternate or opposite exstipulate,simple usually entire.
Flowers and Inflorescences: Small flowers are aggregated into simple or branched panicles spike s heads or cymes.Flowers are actinomorphic,bisexual or frequently unisexual,pentamerous and hypogynous.
Calyx -5 free basally connate sepals.

Petals are absent.Stamens are 5 and areopposite the sepals.
Sometimes nectar secreting disc is present.(bosia)
Pollination and dispersal:Nectar disc and showy flowers ==>insectpollination
Gomphrena--winged fruits=>dispersal by wind.Achyranthus Cyathula and Pupalia develop hooks on sepals which adhere to passing animals and humans.
Economic Importance:Little.
Few are used as food.
Amaranthus (Mar.Chavalai)Leafy vegetable.
Celosia argentea:(Attached picture)spikes attract butterflies,Tender shoots are cooked and eaten
Alternanthera tenella and A.sessilis are common weeds.
Gomphrena globosa.

For my Birds, Butterflies, Trees pictures etc., visit
For learning about our trees & plants, please visit


Jan 11, 2008, 11:23:37 AM1/11/08
to indiantreepix
see link :

Debasish Joardar

On Jan 11, 5:31 pm, "J.M. Garg" <> wrote:
> Here is the link & attachment of Digera arvensis from this family, posted by
> Sh. Debasish:
> On 1/11/08, satish phadke <> wrote:
> > <>
> --
> With regards,
> J.M.Garg
> "What ultimately remains, is the hand you extend to others"
> For my Birds, Butterflies, Trees pictures etc., visit
> For learning about our trees & plants, please visit
>  1.jpg
> 81KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Jyoti Das

Jan 13, 2008, 12:28:14 AM1/13/08
to satish phadke,

Celosia argentina of Amaranthaceae




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