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vinay kumar singh

Sep 4, 2010, 12:49:13 PM9/4/10
to indian...@googlegroups.com
Dear all
I am posting this common plant for ID from JNU, New Delhi.  ID please.
IMG_0052 (800x534).jpg
IMG_0059 (800x534).jpg
IMG_0061 (800x534).jpg
IMG_0078 (800x534).jpg
IMG_0063 (800x534).jpg

Dinesh Valke

Sep 4, 2010, 1:11:45 PM9/4/10
to vinay kumar singh, indian...@googlegroups.com
Indigofera cordifolia ... commonly known as: heart-leaf indigo • Hindi: बेकरा bekara, गोखरू gokhru, गोखुरू gokhuru • Konkani: गोड्डी goddi • Marathi: बेचका bechka, गोधडी godhadi


tanay bose

Sep 4, 2010, 3:33:58 PM9/4/10
to Dinesh Valke, vinay kumar singh, indian...@googlegroups.com
Indigofera cordifolia common in red soils

Tanay Bose
Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant
Department of Botany
University of British Columbia
3529-6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 (Canada)
Phone: 778-323-4036


Sep 4, 2010, 4:18:33 PM9/4/10
to efloraofindia
Nice images of Heart-leaf Indigo

Shantanu : )
>  IMG_0052 (800x534).jpg
> 235KViewDownload
>  IMG_0059 (800x534).jpg
> 174KViewDownload
>  IMG_0061 (800x534).jpg
> 186KViewDownload
>  IMG_0078 (800x534).jpg
> 208KViewDownload
>  IMG_0063 (800x534).jpg
> 189KViewDownload

Satish Phadke

Sep 6, 2010, 5:38:25 AM9/6/10
to vinay kumar singh, indian...@googlegroups.com
I agree with Dinesh ji

Dr. Arvind Kadus

Sep 6, 2010, 11:45:10 AM9/6/10
to efloraofindia, dinesh...@gmail.com
Dear Dinesh Ji, Go-Kshura In Sanskrit means 'Kshurati Go' ( Cow) i.e.
Gokshura ( The fruits of the plant get inserted in toes of the cows
while grazing. In Marathi also 'Gokharu' meaning is the same. But in
this Indigofera cordifolia there are no spiny fruits to get inserted
in cow's toes. This is very soft i.e.like 'Godhadi' in marathi.
Godhadi and gokshur are having different feels at all !!
Dr.Kadus Arvind.

On Sep 6, 2:38 pm, Satish Phadke <drsmpha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Dinesh ji
> On 4 September 2010 22:19, vinay kumar singh <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear all
> > I am posting this common plant for ID from JNU, New Delhi.  ID please.
> > Regards
> > Vinay- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Dinesh Valke

Sep 6, 2010, 12:02:00 PM9/6/10
to Dr. Arvind Kadus, efloraofindia
Many many thanks for validating the names, Arvind ji.
So, it would mean the names put for Hindi : गोखरू gokhru OR गोखुरू gokhuru do not hold good for this plant, do I understand correctly ?


Dr. Arvind Kadus

Sep 6, 2010, 12:27:42 PM9/6/10
to efloraofindia
Yes these names गोखरू gokhru OR गोखुरू gokhuru derived from gokshura
in Sanskrit are incorrect for Indigofera cordifolia. Godhadi or
Blanket is having soft feel. Thats why this Indigofera cordifolis is
called as Godhadi. Other thing is--Tribulus terrestris is called as
Gokshura. Other synonames are Gokantaka, Shwadanshtra ( teeth like
dog), Swadukantaka ( Sweet spines of the fruit), Trikantaka ( Fruit
with three spines),Kantaphala, Kshuraka( meaning is same) and many
other names.
Dr. kadus Arvind

On Sep 6, 9:02 pm, Dinesh Valke <dinesh.va...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Many many thanks for validating the names, Arvind ji.
> So, it would mean the names put for Hindi : गोखरू gokhru OR गोखुरू gokhuru
> do not hold good for this plant, do I understand correctly ?
> Regards.
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Dr. Arvind Kadus
> <agastiayur...@yahoo.co.in>wrote:
> > Dear Dinesh Ji, Go-Kshura In Sanskrit means  'Kshurati Go' ( Cow) i.e.
> > Gokshura ( The fruits of the plant get inserted in toes of the cows
> > while grazing. In Marathi also 'Gokharu' meaning is the same. But in
> > this Indigofera cordifolia there are no spiny fruits to get inserted
> > in cow's toes. This is very soft i.e.like 'Godhadi' in marathi.
> > Godhadi and gokshur are having different feels at all !!
> > Thanks
> > Dr.Kadus Arvind.
> > On Sep 6, 2:38 pm, Satish Phadke <drsmpha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I agree with Dinesh ji
> > > On 4 September 2010 22:19, vinay kumar singh <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Dear all
> > > > I am posting this common plant for ID from JNU, New Delhi.  ID please.
> > > > Regards
> > > > Vinay- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

Dr. Arvind Kadus

Sep 6, 2010, 12:42:13 PM9/6/10
to efloraofindia, Dinesh Valke
Onother thing is that in ancient time or in Ayurveda ,the synonames
of the plants are given or the plant is recognised with many names
depending upon its habitat, colour, size, shape of the flowers and
fruits, taste of the leaves, flowers, fruits etc..
1. Shatavari- having 100s of roots.
2. Gokshura- spiny fruits get inserted to cow's toes.
3. Chitraka - Discolouration of skin takes place after application.
4. Kumari- Which never get fruits.
5. Amlika - having amla i.e. sour taste.
6. Ashwagandha- with the smell of horse, or smell in Stable.
7. Agnimantha-( Premna integrifolia) - Agni is produced by rubbing the
dry wood sticks with each other.

many many other examples can be given like this. In this case both
Godhadi and Gokshura are totally opposite things and can not be the
synoname for the same plant.
Dr.Kadus Arvind,Pune.

On Sep 6, 9:27 pm, "Dr. Arvind Kadus" <agastiayur...@yahoo.co.in>

Dinesh Valke

Sep 6, 2010, 12:49:57 PM9/6/10
to Dr. Arvind Kadus, efloraofindia
Arvind ji .... thank you very very much for all the explanation ... all this helps immensely.
Will make change in notes of I. cordifolia.

Pankaj Oudhia

Sep 6, 2010, 2:51:32 PM9/6/10
to efloraofindia
Thanks Arvind ji for valuable information.

Shatavari is known as Shatavari also because when any female takes Shatavari she gets immense energy and vigor to make 100s of men (Var in Hindi) satisfied.

In my state the Traditional Healers name Shatavari as Dasmool. They are not aware of Dasmool mentioned in Ayurveda as they are illiterate and never came in contect with published Ayurveda literatures. Dasmool is not related with Das i.e. ten 10 and mool means roots but they know Shatavari as Dasmool. This Das comes as prefix of many herbs. For example, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is known as Dasmath locally.

Ashwagandha is having the smell of horse urine not of exactly horse or the stable. After taking one teaspoonfull of freshly harvested Asgandh take few glasses of water. In burp you can feel the exact smell of horse urine.

Gokhuru is Khur (Toe) of cow. Corn in sole is also known as Gokharu. In my region Xanthium is known as Chota Gokhru. Trainthema is also known as Gokharu. Xanthium not goes with cow's toe but by sticking with her body. Still it is known as Gokhru.

The beauty of ancient names is that it can be interpreted in different ways. Experts are explainging its meanings since time immemorial but still new intrepreations are coming.

Thanks again.


Pankaj Oudhia   
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