Let us take a critical look at their descriptions from Flora of China:
Subshrubs 10-20 cm tall. Stem and branches densely gray tomentose. Leaves elliptic, 5-7 × 2-5 cm, both surfaces densely tomentose, base rounded. Flower clusters in dense spikes, 1-2 cm in diam. Bracts shiny, apex pointed or hooked. Tepals of perfect flowers lanceolate, apex acute. Pseudostaminodes ca. 0.5 mm, hairy at margin, apex fimbriate. Utricles yellow, ellipsoid or obovoid. Seeds ellipsoid, smooth. Fl. Jun.
Waste places; 1800-2300 m. Guizhou, Xizang [Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].
Herbs perennial, 50-100 cm. Roots brownish gray or brownish red, stout. Stem erect, dark purple or yellowish brown, nearly quadrangular, branched, pilose. Petiole 0.5-1.5 cm, pilose; leaf blade broadly ovate or obovate-oblong, 5-14 × 3-7 cm, papery, both surfaces pilose and ciliate, base cuneate, apex caudate. Flower clusters in dichasial inflorescences, globose or ellipsoid, 2-4 cm in diam., simple or clustered in spikes; rachis 2-4.5 mm, tomentose. Bracts 3-4 mm, glabrous, apex acuminate. Flower clusters at axils of bracts, with some perfect flowers and 1 or 2 unisexual ones. Tepals of perfect flowers dark purple, lanceolate, 3-4 mm, abaxially hairy at base, apex acuminate; imperfect ones yellow, lanceolate-subulate, ca. 3 mm, rigid, apex hooked. Filaments ca. 3 mm, pilose at base; pseudostaminodes rectangular, 0.6-1 mm, parted and fimbriate at apex. Ovary hairy at base. Utricles grayish yellow, ovate-oblong, ca. 3 mm, glabrous. Seeds shiny, ellipsoid, ca. 2 mm, smooth. Fl. Aug, fr. Oct.
Hillsides; 1700-2300 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sikkim, Vietnam].