Plant-Bird Association on Rocky Plateau

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Shrikant Ingalhalikar

Mar 17, 2011, 7:35:02 AM3/17/11
to indiantreepix
I wish to share some observations on rocky plateaus which are usually derogated as wastelands in summer. Dry rocky hills appear devoid of activity in summer. The spinous clumps of Lepidagathis cristata stems appear lifeless but even these clumps serve as lifeline for the chicks of Yellow Wattled Lapwings that breed on the plateaus in the scorching heat of summer. Two or three chicks hatch on the bare ground and start running around the nest within 2 or 3 days (nidicolus) of hatching. Appearance of the back and head feathers of the chicks matches precisely with the dry clumps of Lepidagathis plants. On hearing an alarm call from the parents the chicks remain still and pressed to the ground such that they get camoufledged with the Lepidagathis plants fully. This interesting observation can be made in the coming 2 months. 

Shrikant Ingalhalikar
12 Varshanand Society
Anandnagar Sinhagad Road
Pune 411 051.
Tel 91 20 2435 0765.
Fax 91 20 2438 9190.

raghu ananth

Mar 17, 2011, 8:58:05 AM3/17/11
to indiantreepix,
Wow that´s an excellent camouflage illustration of the yellow wattles lapwing chicks and the Lepidagathis plants. Probably the best.  Great colours, a very nice composition and  notes too. 
Wish we could see ... slightly enlarged size of the last photograph

Thanks for posting.


--- On Thu, 17/3/11, Shrikant Ingalhalikar <> wrote:

Aparna Watve

Mar 18, 2011, 12:21:12 AM3/18/11
to, indiantreepix
Dear Shrikant ji,
Thanks so much for the photographs and note. Rocky plateaus (and rock
outcrops in general) are full of life and many such interesting
observations need to be reported for dispelling off the myth of
"barren plateaus".

This is the link to my paper titled " Rocky Plateaus-Special focus on
Northern W.Ghats and konkan" which was commissioned by the Western
Ghats Ecology Expert Panel. I have reviewed the known facts about
ecology, diversity and disturbance of the rocky plateaus in this, and
have suggested a possible path towards conservation. The paper is
without photos due to size constraints. But if anyone is interested I
can send the full one with photos included.


Dr. Aparna Watve
At present : 34/6, Gulawani Maharaj Rd. Pune 411004
9822597288/ 020-25430309
Asha Appt, Shanti Nagar, Ekata Colony
Nr. BSNL tower, Akbar Ward,
tel: 07692-228115
mobile: (0)9755667710

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