this is ceylon spinach
I have had it growing in a port and from there out into the lawn, it self seeds like crazy.
Beautiful ddep pink to outright magenta flowers are very attractive.
Leaves have a sourish taste, and I think it has oxalates, so folks with kidney trouble or blood vessel problem which includes most indians past 40 or 45 (atherosclerosis in any form) should not eat a whole bunch of it or any oxalate crystals containing veggies)
flowers of india site has a page:
Ceylon spinach on foi
Daves gaden site
ceylon sphinach is lumped with suriname and/ or phillipines spinach here has lumped this one and other similar "spinaches" but look closely and you'll see that the leaves and the flowers look different. .
A few years ago all herbal nurseries carried this ... I dont see it anymore. Not very popular I guess.
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Usha di