Dainty little plant -- Zornia diphylla

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Jan 15, 2010, 1:14:54 PM1/15/10
to indiantreepix
Sharing  with eflorasindia.this picture of  Zornia diphylla , taken last year near Bangalore.

It is  found in grassy clearings after monsoon showers begin and is distinguished by the two digitate leaflets. ,

A. Sinha

J.M. Garg

Feb 18, 2010, 7:20:05 AM2/18/10
to A.Sinha, indiantreepix
Hi, Sinha ji.
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J.M.Garg (jmg...@gmail.com)
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J.M. Garg

Mar 11, 2010, 2:50:58 AM3/11/10
to efloraofindia, A.Sinha
Hi, Sinha ji.
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