Burrs of the Common Burbush

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Neil Soares

Oct 25, 2010, 2:12:30 PM10/25/10
to indian...@googlegroups.com
 A few weeks ago Prof. Gurcharan Singh had solicited photographs of the fruit of the Common Burbush [Triumfetta rhomboidea] to differentiate it from the other species of Triumfetta. Though this is pretty mundane stuff around my farm, realised that over the past few years had inadvertently forgotten to photograph them.
 Anyway, here are a few photographs taken at my farm yesterday.
                        With regards,
                          Neil Soares.

Burrs of the Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboidea 1.jpg
Burrs of the Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboidea 2.jpg

Gurcharan Singh

Oct 25, 2010, 3:54:14 PM10/25/10
to Neil Soares, indian...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Neil ji

Could you kindly crop and upload only a fruit cluster from original photograph. I tried with your photographs, but being of less resolution the grain breaks on enlarging.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089
Burrs of the Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboidea 2.jpg
Burrs of the Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboidea 1.jpg

Neil Soares

Oct 26, 2010, 12:09:30 AM10/26/10
to Gurcharan Singh, indian...@googlegroups.com
Hi Prof. Singh,
            As requested.
                              Neil Soares.

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, Gurcharan Singh <sing...@gmail.com> wrote:
Burrs of Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboides 1.jpg
Burrs of Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboides 2.jpg
Burrs of Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboides 3.jpg

shrikant ingalhalikar

Oct 26, 2010, 1:33:35 AM10/26/10
to efloraofindia
Singhji, the spines appear to be glabrous to indicate T. rhomboidea,
however there is clear distinction in leaves; ovate-lanceolate for T.
pilosa, 3-5 lobed for T. rhomboidea and orbicular for T. rotundifolia.
I am not aware of other species. Regards, Shrikant

On Oct 26, 9:09 am, Neil Soares <drneilsoa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Prof. Singh,
>             As requested.
>                             Regards,
>                               Neil Soares.
> --- On Tue, 10/26/10, Gurcharan Singh <singh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Gurcharan Singh <singh...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:51895] Burrs of the Common Burbush
> To: "Neil Soares" <drneilsoa...@yahoo.com>
> Cc: indian...@googlegroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 1:24 AM
> Thank you Neil ji
> Could you kindly crop and upload only a fruit cluster from original photograph. I tried with your photographs, but being of less resolution the grain breaks on enlarging.
> -- 
> Dr. Gurcharan Singh
> Retired  Associate Professor
> SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
> Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
> Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089http://people.du.ac.in/~singhg45/ 
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Neil Soares <drneilsoa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  A few weeks ago Prof. Gurcharan Singh had solicited photographs of the fruit of the Common Burbush [Triumfetta rhomboidea] to differentiate it from the other species of Triumfetta. Though this is pretty mundane stuff around my farm, realised that over the past few years had inadvertently forgotten to photograph them.
>  Anyway, here are a few photographs taken at my farm yesterday.
>                         With regards,
>                           Neil Soares.
>  Burrs of Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboides 1.jpg
> 93KViewDownload
>  Burrs of Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboides 2.jpg
> 98KViewDownload
>  Burrs of Common Burbush,Triumfetta rhomboides 3.jpg
> 93KViewDownload

Gurcharan Singh

Oct 26, 2010, 11:00:13 AM10/26/10
to shrikant ingalhalikar, efloraofindia
Shrikant ji
My confusion was between T. rhomboidea and T. pentandra

This is from eFlora of Pakistan

Stamens mostly 15, rarely fewer but not less than 10. Spines on the capsule glabrous     Triumfettla rhomboidea
Stamens mostly 5, rarely 10, spines on the                                                        
capsule with fine spreading hairs on the                                                                                          
dorsal side                                                                                                          
Triumfetta pentandra

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

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