4 (3) | Flowers white-pink or pale yellowish. Basal leaf blade up to 50 cm long but never exceeding; upper surface glabrous or papillose. | (5) | |
+ | Flowers dark purple. Basal leaf blade up to 60 cm long; upper surface somewhat scabrous above. | 1 R. australe | |
5 (4) | Fruits 13-15 mm across. Flowers white to pink. | 6 R. wittrockii | |
+ | Fruits 8-10 mm across. Flowers pale yellowish. | 5 R. webbianum |
30 (29) | Leaves with 5-7 basal veins; leaf blade narrowly triangular to broadly ovate, not cordate. | (31) | |
+ | Leaves with 5 basal veins; leaf blade cordate or broadly ovate. | (32) | |
31 (30) | Perianth white-green or yellow-white; rachis of panicle papilliferous. | 1 R. rhabarbarum | |
+ | Perianth purple-red; rachis of panicle densely pubescent. | 2 R. australe | |
32 (30) | Leaf blade reniform-cordate or cordate, usually shorter than wide; perianth yellow-white. | 3 R. webbianum | |
+ | Leaf blade ovate-cordate or broadly ovate, usually longer than wide; perianth green. | 4 R. hotaoense |
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