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Ipomoea clarkei

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Pravin Kawale

Sep 26, 2009, 1:35:38 AM9/26/09
to indiantreepix
Flowers of Ipomoea clarkei
Marathi name Sonpungali
At Kanakeshwar


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Neil Soares

Sep 26, 2009, 3:52:26 AM9/26/09
to indiantreepix, Pravin Kawale
Hi Pravin,
 Beautiful photographs!!!  Presume your identification is based on Ingalhalikar's Vol. 2.
Sending you my photograph identified as Ipomea clarkei by Dr.Almeida at my property at Shahapur.
  Hopefully someone will be able to throw some light us on this issue.
                              With regards,
                                Neil Soares. 

--- On Sat, 9/26/09, Pravin Kawale <> wrote:
Ipomea clarkei.jpg

Dinesh Valke

Sep 26, 2009, 10:48:08 AM9/26/09
to Neil Soares, indiantreepix, Pravin Kawale
... Neil ji, can we have more views?

Neil Soares

Sep 26, 2009, 1:13:21 PM9/26/09
to Dinesh Valke, indiantreepix, Pravin Kawale
Hi Dinesh,
  Took this photograph last week. Figure this is also Ipomea clarkei.

--- On Sat, 9/26/09, Dinesh Valke <> wrote:
Ipomea clarkei 2.jpg

Prashant awale

Sep 26, 2009, 1:19:55 PM9/26/09
to Neil Soares, Dinesh Valke, indiantreepix, Pravin Kawale
Dear Neil ji,
I am also having few photographs of the  pink flower which u had photographed. I thought it is Ipomoea triloba?
best wishes

Neil Soares

Sep 26, 2009, 1:30:24 PM9/26/09
to Prashant awale, Dinesh Valke, indiantreepix, Pravin Kawale
Thanks Prashant. Ipomea triloba is a naturalised exotic plant. Generally don't have exotic plants on my property.
                   Neil Soares.

--- On Sat, 9/26/09, Prashant awale <> wrote:

Dinesh Valke

Sep 26, 2009, 2:38:07 PM9/26/09
to Neil Soares, Prashant awale, indiantreepix, Pravin Kawale
Neil ji, I strongly believe this to be I. triloba ... very widely naturalised.
Will stand corrected.

Neil Soares

Sep 26, 2009, 9:18:39 PM9/26/09
to, Prashant awale

Hi Prashant,
   The plant featured in this link does not match the description of Ipomea triloba given either in Ingalhalikar's or Dr. Almeida's book.

--- On Sat, 9/26/09, Prashant awale <> wrote:

From: Prashant awale <>
Subject: Re: [indiantreepix:19556] Re: Ipomoea clarkei
To: "Neil Soares" <>
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 11:13 PM

Dear Neil ji,

I had seen them many in and around Mumbai and even during few treks in Panvel region. My ID was based on    following "daves garden" link...

I think, probably Dinesh also must have referred the same link..

Thanks & best wishes

Dinesh Valke

Sep 27, 2009, 2:15:07 AM9/27/09
to Neil Soares,, Prashant awale
Neil ji, Prashant, a pictorial reference I referred is

Prashant awale

Sep 27, 2009, 2:34:09 AM9/27/09
to Dinesh Valke, Neil Soares,
Dear Dinesh,
Have a look at following Davesgarden link.

(This Ipomoea is very common and i could see many at the outskirts of Mumbai.)
best wishes

Dinesh Valke

Sep 27, 2009, 3:02:12 AM9/27/09
to Prashant awale, Neil Soares,
Yes dear Prashant, I did take a look already ... I saw your message to Neil ji earlier.
I see it as same plant.
It is now blooming everywhere in and around Mumbai and Thane (to the extent where I have visited).
Typical habitats are roadsides (includes highways NH3, NH4, NH8, NH17).
Within forest areas, it is found occasionally along trails.
Yesterday, I had been to Kolad (in Konkan) ... there too, I found this plant growing along hedges.
In general, it is found more common in urban area (typically growing along with other annuals).
I request Neil ji (and Almeida ji) to re-consider the plant.

Satish Phadke

Sep 27, 2009, 3:15:42 AM9/27/09
to Prashant awale, Dinesh Valke, Neil Soares,
Flowers of Ipomoea from diff. species may look similar.
I think what Neil is trying to stress is because of the leaf pattern in his plant which is in favour of I. clarkei. I think we request Neil to send some more pictures of the leaves esp. depicting petiole, bract if any etc.
As per Mah BSI Flora(Sorry I don,t have Almeida's)
the plant of I clarkei are described as below
No mention of colour of flower !
Leaves 5-9bye4-6 cm, broadly ovate, finely acuminate, hairy on both surfaces, base deeply cordate with rounded lobes; petiole 2.5 to6 cm. Inflorescence 1-3 flowered cyme.Peduncle 2-4cm long, slender. Bracts minute, lanceolate, acute, sparsely hairy and ciliate. Corolla 3-4 cm long. Capsule 1.5 cm long ovoid.
Waiting for opinions .....
Satish Phadke
BTW attaching my picture of I. triloba clicked today in another mail.

2009/9/27 Prashant awale <>




Sep 27, 2009, 5:08:34 AM9/27/09
to indiantreepix
Good to see this lively discussion!
The original reference for Ipomoe clarkei, Flora of British India,
describes I. clarkei as having ovate-lanceshaped leaves. Leaves are
deeply heart-shaped at the base, with a long pointed tip. It does not
say anything at all about the leaves being 3-lobed. Also the flowers
are described as being more than 1 inch in size, larger than Ipomoea
obscura flowers, which many people would have seen:
(I sometimes get very irritated with botanists for not mentioning a
simple thing like the color of the flower!)
Now I am sure Niel's flowers are less than 2 cm (Neil, do let me
know if it is otherwise). Also, the leaves are sometimes entire-heart-
shaped and sometimes 3-lobed. Which makes me strongly believe it to be
Ipomoea triloba. Maybe foreigners (exotics) have infilitrated Neil's
property without him realizing it! ;-)
Coming to Pravin's flower, the leaves seem to agree with the
description if I. clarkei quite well, but the flowers *appear to be*
large. Pravin, do you remember the approximate size of the flowers?
The sepals of I. clarkei are supposed to be narrow, linear - a bud in
Pravin's pic does show narrow linear sepals.
I am very keen to know the identity of Pravin's flower - if it is
indeed an Ipomoea, it would be the only yellow Ipomoea I know!
Best wishes
- Tabish

On Sep 27, 12:15 pm, Satish Phadke <> wrote:
> Flowers of Ipomoea from diff. species may look similar.
> I think what Neil is trying to stress is because of the leaf pattern in his
> plant which is in favour of *I. clarkei*. I think we request Neil to send
> some more pictures of the leaves esp. depicting petiole, bract if any etc.
> As per Mah BSI Flora(Sorry I don,t have Almeida's)
> the plant of *I clarkei* are described as below
> No mention of colour of flower !
> Leaves 5-9bye4-6 cm, broadly ovate, finely acuminate, hairy on both
> surfaces, base deeply cordate with rounded lobes; petiole 2.5 to6 cm.
> Inflorescence 1-3 flowered cyme.Peduncle 2-4cm long, slender. Bracts minute,
> lanceolate, acute, sparsely hairy and ciliate. Corolla 3-4 cm long. Capsule
> 1.5 cm long ovoid.
> Waiting for opinions .....
> Satish Phadke
> BTW attaching my picture of *I. triloba *clicked today in another mail.
> 2009/9/27 Prashant awale <>
> > Dear Dinesh,
> > Have a look at following Davesgarden link.
> >
> > (This Ipomoea is very common and i could see many at the outskirts of
> > Mumbai.)
> > best wishes
> > Prashant
> > On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Dinesh Valke <>wrote:
> >> Neil ji, Prashant, a pictorial reference I referred is
> >>
> >> Regards.
> >> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 6:48 AM, Neil Soares <>wrote:
> >>>    Hi Prashant,
> >>>    The plant featured in this link does not match the description of
> >>> Ipomea triloba given either in Ingalhalikar's or Dr. Almeida's book.
> >>>                       Regards,
> >>>                         Neil.
> >>> --- On *Sat, 9/26/09, Prashant awale <>* wrote:
> >>> From: Prashant awale <>
> >>> Subject: Re: [indiantreepix:19556] Re: Ipomoea clarkei
> >>> To: "Neil Soares" <>
> >>> Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 11:13 PM
> >>> Dear Neil ji,
> >>> I had seen them many in and around Mumbai and even during few treks in
> >>> Panvel region. My ID was based on    following "daves garden" link...
> >>>
> >>> I think, probably Dinesh also must have referred the same link..
> >>> Thanks & best wishes
> >>> Prashant
> >>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Neil Soares <<>
> >>> > wrote:
> >>>>   Thanks Prashant. Ipomea triloba is a naturalised exotic plant.
> >>>> Generally don't have exotic plants on my property.
> >>>>                  Regards,
> >>>>                    Neil Soares.
> >>>> --- On *Sat, 9/26/09, Prashant awale <<>
> >>>> >* wrote:
> >>>> From: Prashant awale <<>
> >>>> Subject: [indiantreepix:19556] Re: Ipomoea clarkei
> >>>> To: "Neil Soares" <<>
> >>>> Cc: "Dinesh Valke" <<>>,
> >>>> "indiantreepix" <<>>,
> >>>> "Pravin Kawale" <<>
> >>>> Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 10:49 PM
> >>>> Dear Neil ji,
> >>>> I am also having few photographs of the  pink flower which u had
> >>>> photographed. I thought it is Ipomoea triloba?
> >>>> best wishes
> >>>> Prashant
> >>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Neil Soares <<>
> >>>> > wrote:
> >>>>>   Hi Dinesh,
> >>>>>   Took this photograph last week. Figure this is also Ipomea clarkei.
> >>>>>                     Regards,
> >>>>>                       Neil
> >>>>> --- On *Sat, 9/26/09, Dinesh Valke <<>
> >>>>> >* wrote:
> >>>>> From: Dinesh Valke <<>
> >>>>> Subject: [indiantreepix:19541] Re: Ipomoea clarkei
> >>>>> To: "Neil Soares" <<>
> >>>>> Cc: "indiantreepix" <<>>,
> >>>>> "Pravin Kawale" <<>
> >>>>> Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 8:18 PM
> >>>>>  ... Neil ji, can we have more views?
> >>>>> Regards.
> >>>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Neil Soares <<>
> >>>>> > wrote:
> >>>>>>   Hi Pravin,
> >>>>>>  Beautiful photographs!!!  Presume your identification is based on
> >>>>>> Ingalhalikar's Vol. 2.
> >>>>>> Sending you my photograph identified as Ipomea clarkei by Dr.Almeida
> >>>>>> at my property at Shahapur.
> >>>>>>   Hopefully someone will be able to throw some light us on this issue.
> >>>>>>                               With regards,
> >>>>>>                                 Neil Soares.
> >>>>>> --- On *Sat, 9/26/09, Pravin Kawale <<>
> >>>>>> >* wrote:
> >>>>>> From: Pravin Kawale <<>
> >>>>>> Subject: [indiantreepix:19526] Ipomoea clarkei
> >>>>>> To: "indiantreepix" <<>

Pravin Kawale

Sep 29, 2009, 1:39:25 PM9/29/09
to Tabish, indiantreepix
Sorry for delay in reply
The flower size is aprox. 2 inches

dr.rakesh Singh

Jun 19, 2016, 1:21:45 AM6/19/16
to efloraofindia,,
In Surat what I see is this pink flower grows in urban as well as rural area with equal ease , cultivated fields as well as perimeter and roadside .........flower size less than 1 inch , funnel shaped , light to deep pink corolla , limb may be at right angle to tube or may be at an angle , 5 lobed with variable depth . ..........leaves are variable too , from cordate to shallow to deep trilobed , so much so they at times look hastate and color is usually green but may be purplish green , particularly in harsh summer . Given the chance this vine flowers year long and it is Ipomoea triloba .This is my observation of the species for you years . At times it can be confused with I. marginata but flowers are smaller in I. triloba .

JM Garg

Jun 22, 2016, 3:08:37 AM6/22/16
to efloraofindia, Tabish, Pravin Kawale

Forwarding again for Id  assistance please.

Some earlier relevant feedback:

The original reference for Ipomoe clarkei, Flora of British India, describes I. clarkei as having ovate-lanceshaped leaves. Leaves are deeply heart-shaped at the base, with a long pointed tip. It does not say anything at all about the leaves being 3-lobed. Also the flowers are described as being more than 1 inch in size, larger than Ipomoea
obscura flowers, which many people would have seen: (I sometimes get very irritated with botanists for not mentioning a simple thing like the color of the flower!)
   Now I am sure Niel's flowers are less than 2 cm (Neil, do let me know if it is otherwise). Also, the leaves are sometimes entire-heart- shaped and sometimes 3-lobed. Which makes me strongly believe it to be Ipomoea triloba. Maybe foreigners (exotics) have infilitrated Neil's property without him realizing it! ;-)
   Coming to Pravin's flower, the leaves seem to agree with the description if I. clarkei quite well, but the flowers *appear to be* large. Pravin, do you remember the approximate size of the flowers? The sepals of I. clarkei are supposed to be narrow, linear - a bud in Pravin's pic does show narrow linear sepals.
   I am very keen to know the identity of Pravin's flower - if it is indeed an Ipomoea, it would be the only yellow Ipomoea I know!
    Best wishes
    - Tabish 

The flower size is aprox. 2 inches




Jun 22, 2016, 3:22:59 AM6/22/16
to JM Garg, efloraofindia, Pravin Kawale
I am confused about what is being discussed here. If it is these yellow trumpet-shaped, flowers, which are part of the post, they look like Merremia umbellata

The waterhole of flower lovers

J.M. Garg

Jun 22, 2016, 3:51:04 AM6/22/16
to Tabish, efloraofindia, Pravin Kawale
Thanks, Tabish ji.
Yeah it's about yellow flowers by Pravin ji.
With regards,

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