M. pumilus: Annuals, up to 30 cm tall, stems glabrous or with short hairs; basal leaves usually shed at flowering time; flowers mostly in upper part of inflorescence; calyx lobes ovate, as long as tube, acute; middle lobe of lower lip smaller than lateral lobes; lobes of upper lip triangular-ovate; capsule globose
M. surculosus: Perennials, up to 8 cm tall, stem with long white hairs; basal leaves forming a rosette present at flowering time; flowers almost from base of raceme, lax; calyx lobes 1/3 as long as calyx, broadly ovate with obtuse to subacute tip; middle lobe of lower lip longer than lateral lobes; lobes of upper lip suborbicular; capsule ovoid
Photographed from near Nohradhar, Himachal Pradesh on 25-5-2015.