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Request to identify this Wetland plant- Deep tap root rhizome

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Prof. Dr. Santhosh Kumar Rajamani

Jul 9, 2023, 1:23:58 PM7/9/23
to Efloraofindia
Dear Gargji:

This aquatic marsh plant species was found growing submerged in a mountain stream of Shyadri hills. Most of the plant seems to be covered in yellow inflorescence, this seems to be endemic to a particular valley. In addition there is an aromatic odour( like Limnophila aromatica) on pinching the flowers. The leaves resemble Limnophila, plant seems to survive summer by deep rhizome.

This was reminiscent of Pilea microphylla but very different on closer inspection.

Request for an Identification.


Prof. Dr. Santhosh Kumar Rajamani

Jul 10, 2023, 12:21:35 AM7/10/23
to Efloraofindia
Google lense Identification is Polycarpon tetraphyllum, commonly known as four-leaved allseed (also fourleaf allseed or fourleaf manyseed).

Seems to be correct and plant is distributed in India.. this particular variety seems to be endemic to this valley and capable of aquatic growth, plenty of specimens were found growing under the water.

Thanks for sharing Gargji

J.M. Garg

Jul 19, 2023, 2:50:24 AM7/19/23
to, Dr Santhosh K R
Thanks, Santhosh ji.
Pl. check.

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With regards,

Prof. Dr. Santhosh Kumar Rajamani

Jul 19, 2023, 12:39:37 PM7/19/23
to J.M. Garg, Efloraofindia
Thanks for the information. This one is Polycarpon prostratum indeed.

Thanks and regards
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