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a book on birds,web of life.....

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Usha Desai

Jan 27, 2011, 7:51:15 AM1/27/11
to Indian Tree Pix
our dear Katie has written a book of short stories,on birds.
I read the stories and enjoyed them.They are full of information and wisdom and I highly recommend it.

Katie needs no introduction...a writer[regularly writes for sanctuary cub]an educationalist,environmentalist,activist[very active in Save Ranibagh] and actively involved in our TAW[Tree Appreciation Walks]

Please see the attachment for details about the book.
love Usha
Poster of katies book of birds.doc

J.M. Garg

Jan 27, 2011, 7:59:10 AM1/27/11
to Usha Desai, Indian Tree Pix, Katie Bagli
That's really nice & interesting.
Congrats, Katie ji.

'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
The whole world uses my Image Resource of more than a thousand species & eight thousand images of Birds, Butterflies, Plants etc. (arranged alphabetically & place-wise): You can also use them for free as per Creative Commons license attached with each image.
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Satish Chile

Jan 28, 2011, 1:57:55 AM1/28/11
to J.M. Garg, Usha Desai, Indian Tree Pix, Katie Bagli
Katie ji Congratulations to u. I shall purchase the book for my college library.
Satish chile
Dr. Satish Kumar Chile
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