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--- rohit chakravarty <> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> pic taken in nagpur. is this
> *Terminalia tomentosa*? please
> help.
> regards,
> rohit
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Diospyros is a genus (including what used to be Maba) of about 450-500 species of deciduous and evergreen trees. The majority are native to the tropics, with only a few species extending into temperate climates. The genus includes species of commercial importance, either for their edible fruit (including the persimmons, D. kaki and D. virginiana) or for their timber. These include the two trade groups of ebony: the pure black ebony (notably D. ebenum, but also several other species) and the striped ebony (macassar, mun, and others). In most species in the genus this black ebony-type wood is (almost completely) absent: the timbers of such species may find restricted use, e.g. D. virginiana.
D. melanoxylon. Coromandel Ebony, East Indian Ebony, Tendu. The leaves of this species are harvested in India to manufacture bidi cigarettes with.
The above details taken from Wikipedia link: