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Target for January 2011- 5000 Messages- 250 new Species

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Balkar Arya

Jan 1, 2011, 10:55:14 AM1/1/11
to indiantreepix, J.M. Garg
Dear Friends
Let us have a target for the January 2011
1. 5000 Messages
2. Addition of atleast 250 new sp never appeared in efloraindia
3. Search for volunteers for preparing checklist of flora of India
family or Sub family wise. This will help us to get the non-appearing
(in Efloraindia) species for their entry into Efloraindia.
4 Voluntary disclosure of recent and ancient literature available with
members, so that we may request that person to check for any querry
5. Preparing alist of e-content related to floras etc available freely
on web like etc

Hope you will like this Panch Sutriya Karyakaram
Fruit and Veg Week will certainly help us to achieve this Goal
Best of Luck in the Coming Happy New Year for Efloraindia


Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat

Gurcharan Singh

Jan 1, 2011, 12:03:38 PM1/1/11
to Balkar Arya, indiantreepix, J.M. Garg
Yes Balkar ji, a very positive approach. We should all work towards it.
Our first target is 4,000 messages, set by Pankaj ji. Let us achieve it and move further to achieve yours of 5,000. Who knows may may achieve both by the grace of God and our efforts.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

Pankaj Kumar

Jan 1, 2011, 12:42:05 PM1/1/11
to Gurcharan Singh, Balkar Arya, indiantreepix, J.M. Garg
Thanks a lot , but unfortunately, I wont be much active for next few
months due to my hectic schedule. Even now I have to delete many of
the mails without even spending time for identification. Too much work
and very little time.....but will surely like to see the post reaching
4000 and beyond....


Pankaj Kumar Ph.D. (Orchidaceae)
Research Associate
Greater Kailash Sacred Landscape Project
Department of Habitat Ecology
Wildlife Institute of India
Post Box # 18
Dehradun - 248001, India

J.M. Garg

Jan 2, 2011, 3:54:23 AM1/2/11
to Balkar Arya, indiantreepix
Thanks, Balkar ji.
Small drops added one by one makes an ocean.
I have also once in a while set a target.
But I thing enjoying whatever we are doing will automatically adds to our wealth on Efloraofindia.
Ultimate thing is enjoying ourselves while helping others.
With regards,
J.M.Garg (
'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
The whole world uses my Image Resource of more than a thousand species & eight thousand images of Birds, Butterflies, Plants etc. (arranged alphabetically & place-wise): You can also use them for free as per liberal licensing conditions attached with each image.
For identification, learning, discussion & documentation of Indian Flora, please visit/ join our Google e-group- Efloraofindia: (more than 1475 members & 57,000 messages on 16/12/10 & with a database of around 4400 species on 30/11/10)

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