. The Online Flora of all known plants (formerly the Plant List) considers
. However,
the eflora of india considers that the two taxa are distinct from each other(
https://efloraofindia.com/2013/10/25/disperis-zeylanica/) and a few of my uploads are identified as
Disperis zeylanica therein
.Morphologically I find no discernible difference between the two. I request the experts to kindly elucidate the differences, if at all there are any.
Habit: Herb
Habitat:Wild,terrestrial,Shola forest
Sighting:Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1700 msl
Thanks and regards
Deputy Conservator of Forests (R)
“We have not inherited this planet from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children”-An American proverb