Stem rounded, not angled or winged
Shrub wiithout trunk with branches arising from base, smaller leaves (3-8 cm long)
and longer spines 0.5-1 cm.............E caducifolia
Tree with distinct trunk, leaves 10-25 cm long, spines shorter than 0.5 cm........................E. nivulia).
Stem angled or winged
Angles not produced into wing, spirally arranged:....................................................... E. neriifolia
Angles produced into wings
Wings 3-4
The wings running straight, sinuate, regularly dentate
Stems green without white bands....................................................E. antiquorum
Stems white wholly or partially
The stems with white bands on faces
Apex of stem not cristate (without crowns at tips)...........E. lactea
Apex of stem cristate (with crowns at tips)......................E lactea cv. Cristata
The stems uniformly greyish white...................................... ...E. lactea cv. White Ghost
The wings running spirally, ...................................................................................E. tortilis
Wings 5-6, undulate.....................................................................................................E. royleana