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Col Bimal Sarkar

Apr 8, 2011, 10:51:02 AM4/8/11
Dear Friend,
Attaching three images.First one is of a Yellowbacked Sunbird( Male),on flower of Rose Apple(Syzygium jambos ).Next image is of a peculiar looking flower ( Aristolochia ringens ),last image is of capsules of Aristolochia ringens.Aristolochia ringens is a native of Brazil,but now in cultivation throughout tropics.
If you are interested in this climber,I am ready to supply you with seeds.

1. The Useful Plants of India ( CSIR )
2.Some Beautiful Climbers And Shrubs of India
( Bor and Raizada )
3.Pictorial Guide ( Dr Salim Ali )
Col (Retd) Bimal Sarkar
Mobile: 9434194942

Aristolochia 1.jpg
Aristolochia 2.jpg

J.M. Garg

Apr 9, 2011, 1:42:33 AM4/9/11
to efloraofindia, Col Bimal Sarkar
Forwarding pl.
'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
The whole world uses my Image Resource of more than a thousand species & eight thousand images of Birds, Butterflies, Plants etc. (arranged alphabetically & place-wise): You can also use them for free as per Creative Commons license attached with each image.
For identification, learning, discussion & documentation of Indian Flora, please visit/ join our Efloraofindia Google e-group: (more than 1580 members & 66,000 messages on 30/3/11) or Efloraofindia website: (with a species database of around 4500 species)

Aristolochia 1.jpg
Aristolochia 2.jpg

Col Bimal Sarkar

Apr 10, 2011, 10:04:11 AM4/10/11
Dear Friend,
           Attaching few images.First image is on symbiosis,where a Peacock Pansy butterfly is on Lantana.Second image is of a samara which I collected from Lalbag at Bangalore in 1994.This samara is18cm in length and 11cm wide.I don't know the identity of the plant.Third image is of Large Caggagewhite butterfly on the flower of a plant whose identity is not known to me.And last image is of the leaves of the plant in image three.Can anybody help me?
Peacock Pansy.jpg
Identity 2.jpg
Identity 3.jpg

Col Bimal Sarkar

Apr 11, 2011, 10:38:28 AM4/11/11
Dear Friend,
Attaching images of two beautiful flowers.You may like these.
( a ) Brownea Sp.This is what K S Gopalaswamiengar says about Brownea,in his book Complete Gardening in India
" The Browneas have been introduced from Central America and Trinidad,are very ornamental,very slow growing garden trees,bearing large clusters of rose or crimson flowers."
( b ) Cannon-Ball Tree ( Couroupita guianensis ).The common name is approprate,as the fruit looks like CANNON BALL.It is said that Swami Vivekananda liked this flower And this is the reason why the tree is planted in Ramkrisha Maths/Ashrams.
Couroupita guianensis.jpg
Couroupita guianensis 1.jpg
Brownea 2.jpg
Brownea 3.jpg

Ushadi micromini

Apr 11, 2011, 3:02:53 PM4/11/11
to efloraofindia
Dear sir: Number 2...the very large almost 7 inches long samara could
be from a tree from south america I have seen in a western botanical
garden .... a legum... yellow jacaranda ... may be one is planted in
Bangalore... were there jacaranda type trees near by your collection
site? the sweep of the fibres from the wing remind me of the one I
have seen...neither photographed nor collected and saved... the seed
itself looks it? could be a drying effect of sooo long a
time..since 1994... regards, Usha di....
>  Peacock Pansy.jpg
> 81KViewDownload
>  Identity 2.jpg
> 57KViewDownload
>  Identity3a.jpg
> 43KViewDownload
>  Identity 3.jpg
> 77KViewDownload

Col Bimal Sarkar

Apr 12, 2011, 10:54:20 AM4/12/11
Dear Friend,
Attaching two images.One is on symbiosis between Danus genutia( Common Tiger ) and Heliotropium indicum.Other one is of Indian Arrowroot.
You may like these.


Hitchenia caulina.jpg
Symbiosis 11.jpg

Col Bimal Sarkar

Apr 13, 2011, 9:54:54 AM4/13/11
Dear Friend,
Attaching the image of a Rauvolfia sp,I photographed it today.
Can anybody tell me the identity? The second image is of a Bluethroated Barbet having lunch on Weeping Palm fruits.
Rouvolfia sp.jpg
Symbiosis 12.jpg

Col Bimal Sarkar

Apr 17, 2011, 9:57:15 AM4/17/11
Dear Friend,
At this time of the year,one can see lots of Heliotropium indicum at Cooch Behar.Number species of butterflies visits these flowers.I have recorded 12 butterfly species on this flower.I am attaching an image of Blue Tiger butterfly on Heliotropium indicum.I have documented Blue tiger butterfly on 19 different types flowers,Heliotropium indicum is one of them.The second image is of Heliconia,one can see natural symmetry in it.Wish you happiness.
Symbiosis 13.jpg
Symmetry 1.jpg

Saroj Kumar Kasaju

Dec 10, 2020, 9:54:42 AM12/10/20
to efloraofindia
This is irrelevant to the page except for blurred image of 
Thank you
Saroj Kasaju

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