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Flora Picture of the year 2009-Shrikant Ingalhalikar

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Shrikant Ingalhalikar

Dec 31, 2009, 9:44:30 AM12/31/09
Dear All,

I have travelled extensively for studying and photographing wild flowers in the Western Ghats, but this plant alone made me do 10 trips amounting to 10,000 kms to Goa and adjoining areas in the last 10 years for its flowering to be witnessed and documented. I found several plants but not in flowers ever. A fruiting plant was shown to me by Dr. Milind Sardesai in Nov. 2007 inside Dajipur WLS near Kolhapur. The sanctuary opens on 1st November and this precious climber flowers just before that. This year I made a reckoning trek inside Dajipur and to my delight found the climber in buds. Of course I had to go back yet again after a week and there was the gorgeous profusion of flowering of this extremely rare climber. The size, beauty and the divine fragrance of flowers of Clematis smilacifolia surpassed all the disappointment of my earlier trips.

Shrikant Ingalhalikar
12 Varshanand Society
Anandnagar Sinhagad Road
Pune 411 051.
Tel 91 20 2435 0765.
Fax 91 20 2438 9190.


Dec 31, 2009, 11:57:07 PM12/31/09
to indiantreepix
i must say that this is among the most captivating pictures of a
flower i have ever seen. and hats off to your perseverance to capture
this flower. once i had also followed a tree Hardwickia binata for its
flowering for 4 years it is growing within our city of Chandigarh. it
was not difficult but frustrating sometimes as sometimes i reached
just after the flowering was over. the problem was trees were very
less (4) in number. but as i am writing this all i feel about my
effort is just a minuscule addition to botanical recording as its not
even that rare....


On Dec 31, 6:44 am, "Shrikant Ingalhalikar" <>

>  Clematis.jpg
> 380KViewDownload

J.M. Garg

Jan 1, 2010, 4:02:25 AM1/1/10
to Shrikant Ingalhalikar,
Thanks, Shrikant ji for your posting.
What a magical composition!!! I have no words to describe.
You have certainly changed the way the flowers are seen, photographed & documented.
Your perseverance always inspire us on Indiantreepix.
You are also one of the pillars of Indiantreepix.

2009/12/31 Shrikant Ingalhalikar <>


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J.M.Garg (
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R. Vijayasankar

Jan 4, 2010, 4:40:57 AM1/4/10
to J.M. Garg, Shrikant Ingalhalikar,
Hats off to you Shrikant ji, for your untiring efforts and determination! I think this the secret of your success!
Finally the plant had the luck to greet you with its flowers. The picture is a treat to eyes. Thanks.

R. Vijayasankar
FRLHT, Bangalore
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