Malvaceae Week-Bombyx micranthus (L.f.) Riedl.

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Shrikant Ingalhalikar

6 Sept 2011, 6:57:53 am06/09/11
to indiantreepix
An undershrub with serrate cordate leaves 2-3 cm, flowers solitary axillary, involucral bracts 6-8, corolla 1 cm, white when blooming in the morning, pink in the noon. Flowering in June. Capsules 6 mm, globose, seeds cottony. Rare on dry rocky hills. Regards, 

Shrikant Ingalhalikar
12 Varshanand Society
Anandnagar Sinhagad Road
Pune 411 051.
Tel 91 20 2435 0765.
Fax 91 20 2438 9190.

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Ushadi micromini

6 Sept 2011, 7:48:02 am06/09/11
to efloraofindia

Usha di

On Sep 6, 3:57 pm, "Shrikant Ingalhalikar" <>
> An undershrub with serrate cordate leaves 2-3 cm, flowers solitary axillary, involucral bracts 6-8, corolla 1 cm, white when blooming in the morning, pink in the noon. Flowering in June. Capsules 6 mm, globose, seeds cottony. Rare on dry rocky hills. Regards,&nbsp;Shrikant Ingalhalikar12 Varshanand SocietyAnandnagar Sinhagad RoadPune 411 051.www.idsahyadri.comTel91 20 2435 0765.Fax 91 20 2438 9190.
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