Kaas Plant List

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J.M. Garg

Sep 3, 2009, 8:33:35 AM9/3/09
to indiantreepix, Swapna Prabhu
Here is an attached list of herbaceous plants found near Kaas, compiled from different sources by Swapna ji. The names are alphabetically arranged, .... there are many more, and not all flowering at the same time. It may be of help to members visiting Kaas.
I thank Swapna ji for all her efforts.
With regards,
J.M.Garg (jmg...@gmail.com)
'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
Image Resource of thousands of my images of Birds, Butterflies, Flora etc. (arranged alphabetically & place-wise): http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:J.M.Garg
For learning about Indian Flora, visit/ join Google e-group- Indiantreepix:http://groups.google.co.in/group/indiantreepix?hl=en

kaas plant list.doc
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