Ranunculaceae Week

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amit chauhan

May 3, 2011, 12:35:59 AM5/3/11
to indiantreepix
Dear All,

Sending photo of Delphinium brunonianum

Delphinium brunonianum Royle, Illustr. Bot. Himal. 56.1834; Hook. f. &
Thoms. in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 27. 1872; Stewart in Ann. Cat.
Vas. Pl. W. Pakistan Kashmir 266. 1972; Kachroo et al., Fl. Ladakh.
45. 1977; Rau in Sharma et al., Fl. India 1: 86. 1993; Uniyal in Singh
et al., Fl. Jammu Kashmir 1: 401. 2002.

Herbs, perennial, 10 – 27 cm high, rootstock woody, stems erect,
pubescent – hairy, glandular, leafy. Leaf 2.0 – 3.0 x 6.0 – 7.0 cm,
reniform, hairy below at veins and margins, 3-5-fid or partite,
crenate – dentate; petioles sheathed at base. Inflorescence a few
flowered raceme. Sepals petaloid, dark blue – violet, membranous,
persistent, veined, pubescent with soft white hairs; upper sepals 2.5
– 3.0 x 1.5 – 2.0 cm, spurred; spurs almost 0.6 – 0.7 x 0.4 – 0.5 cm,
straight, saccate; lateral sepals 1.8 – 2.0 x 0.7 – 0.9 cm, ovate.
Petals black; upper petals 1.2 – 1.5 cm long, oblique, apex subentire,
retuse, ciliate, spurred; spurs 1.0 – 1.1 x 0.1 – 0.2 cm, hairy; lower
petals strongly oblique. Stamens numerous, 0.7 – 0.8 cm long, winged
from base to middle, glabrous. Carpels 4, 0.4 – 0.5 cm long,

Fl. & Fr.: July – September.

Abundant, in glacial moraines, Manjkeo, Hemis National Park, Ladakh

Distrib.: India: Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand;
Pakistan; Nepal; Afghanistan, China (Tibet).

Dr. Amit Chauhan
Junior Technical Assistant
Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Research Centre,
Pantnagar, PO Dairy Farm Nagla, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar,
Uttarakhand 263149
ph.05944 234445
mail: amit...@gmail.com


amit chauhan

May 3, 2011, 12:41:32 AM5/3/11
to indiantreepix
Dear all,

Sending photo of Clematis ladakhiana

Clematis ladakhiana Grey – Wilson in Kew Bull. 44: 49. 1989; Rau in
Sharma et al., Fl. India 1: 68. 1993; Uniyal in Singh et al., Fl.
Jammu Kashmir 1: 395. 2002. C. orientalis L. var. acutifolia Hook. f.
& Thoms., Fl. Ind. 9. 1855 & in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 5. 1872.
C. orientalis L. var. longicaudata sensu Mukherjee in Bull. Bot. Surv.
India 1: 139. 1959, non Ledeb.

Shrubs, climbers; stems glabrous - glaberescent, ridged, purplish -
brownish. Leaves pinnate with 3 – 4 leaflets; leaflets narrow –
lanceolate, 0.20 – 0.50 x 0.2 – 1.0 cm, entire or with 1 or 2 lobes at
base, acute, slightly pubescent above, glabrous beneath, glaucous.
Inflorescence axillary, in groups of 3 – 5 flowers. Flowers large,
yellow or orange yellow; pedicels 1.5 – 3.0 cm long, glabrous –
subglabrous, densely pubescent when young, ridged. Petals absent.
Sepals 4, lanceolate – elliptic, 1.8 – 2.5 x 0.5 – 0.9 cm, acute –
acuminate, glabrous – subglabrous outside, pubescent along the margin,
densely pubescent inside, spreading. Filaments 0.6 – 0.8 cm long,
dilated, tapering narrowly in upper portion, reddish – purple. Pistil
feathery, stylar beak 0.1-0.2 cm long.

Fl. & Fr.: July – September.

Frequent, on rocky slopes, Chilling village, Hemis National Park, Ladakh

Distrib.: India: Jammu & Kashmir & Himachal Pradesh; Pakistan.

Clematis ladakhiana.JPG

Balkar Arya

May 3, 2011, 1:03:56 AM5/3/11
to amit chauhan, indiantreepix
Dear Amit Ji
Please send separate plant in separate mail with different subject line. this will help in maintaining database

Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat

amit chauhan

May 3, 2011, 2:18:57 AM5/3/11
to Balkar Arya, indiantreepix
Oops Sorry, should I send it again Balkarji or it will do



Oct 13, 2016, 5:19:20 PM10/13/16
to efloraofindia
The distant photo makes it difficult to be sure but this does not match well with Clematis ladakhiana - appears closer to C.tanguticaReally important to have close-up images of flowers and foliage on future occasions.  See my recent comments on the Clematis orientalis complex.

JM Garg

Oct 14, 2016, 1:16:46 AM10/14/16
to efloraofindia, amit chauhan, chrischa...@btinternet.com
Clematis ladakhiana.JPG

J.M. Garg

Oct 14, 2016, 1:17:10 AM10/14/16
to efloraofindia, amit chauhan, chrischa...@btinternet.com

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Saroj Kumar Kasaju

Nov 17, 2020, 6:41:24 AM11/17/20
to efloraofindia
Looks more close to Clematis orientalis L.
Thank you
Saroj Kasaju

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Saroj Kumar Kasaju

Jun 19, 2021, 7:54:49 AM6/19/21
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg
Delphinium and Clematis should be separated to respective threads !
Thank you
Saroj Kasaju
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