Dear Muthuji,
Please check for the following characters for A.decurrens:
Bark smooth to deeply fissured, brown or dark grey to blackish;
branchlets angled with winged ridges which are decurrent with the
petioles, glabrous or sparsely hairy with minute appressed hairs.
If the characters are not compatible, it could be A.mearnsii only.
In Ooty both the species A.mearnsii and A.decurrence are available.
A.mearnsii is cultivated on commercial scale for the preparation of
the wattle extract , which is called the tanner's gold.
Infact, I collected the barks of both the species/ specimen for
phytochemical studies and preparation of tannin extracts, long
back . Unable to trace out the taxonomical details of the species
from my records.
Leaves with petiole 0.7–2.8 cm long, 1 gland at base of or to c. 7 mm
below lowest pair of pinnae
On Aug 18, 9:58 am, Muthu Karthick <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please help me to identify this tree. The characteristic feature of this is
> the green stem (IMG_3572). Height of the tree was about 3-4 metres.
> Is this Black Wattle (*Acacia mearnsii*)? according to the following
> discussions.,
> Date: 25 Jan 2011
> Place: Ooty, Nilgiris, TN
> Habitat: Garden
> --
> Muthu Karthick, N
> Care Earth Trust
> #15, second main road,
> Thillai ganga nagar,
> Chennai - 600 061
> Mob: 0091 96268
> IMG_3575.JPG
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> IMG_3570.JPG
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> IMG_3571.JPG
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> IMG_3572.JPG
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> IMG_3573.JPG
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> IMG_3574.JPG
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