Re: New vs Old eFI

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J.M. Garg

Dec 14, 2020, 4:22:52 AM12/14/20
to D.S Rawat, efloraofindia
Thanks, Rawat ji.
Here you see categories on the top with black icons in front of them and posts (earlier we used to call pages in Classic Google sites) with white paper icons. 

While browsing in the new site, you will find both Asystasia 'categories' and 'posts' at
Categories you see on the top. and posts are available down below with the list going up to three pages. You can find the desired page in the 3rd page. Link I am giving below:

In such large families, you get the desired result better by searching at Asystasia. You will find the desired post in it at 14th number. 

On Mon, 14 Dec 2020 at 14:20, D.S Rawat <> wrote:
Garg Ji
Today just tried to open Asystasia page in New and Old eFI sites.
What I found is that in the New site page we are not able to see comparative images of Asystasia species in eFI as it was visible in older one! Or I am not able to navigate correctly?
I followed the path-  s- Seed plants (families)‎ > ‎A---L (families & genera)‎ > ‎A‎ > ‎Acanthaceae‎ > ‎ in older site
and in New site-   /*Species- Seed plants (families) / A---L (families) / A / Acanthaceae / Asystasia / 

DSRawat, Pantnagar 
Dr D.S. Rawat
Department of Biological Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar-263 145 Uttarakhand, INDIA
eflorapantnagar displaying wild flora of Pantnagar

With regards,

J.M. Garg

Dec 14, 2020, 6:16:39 AM12/14/20
to efloraofindia, D.S Rawat
Yes, Rawat ji.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: D.S Rawat <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 at 15:46
Subject: Re: New vs Old eFI
To: J.M. Garg <>

Yes Garg Ji.
Got it now.
Navigation is a bit different.


DSRawat, Pantnagar

With regards,
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