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Jul 1, 2010, 1:56:26 AM7/1/10
Dear Friends,

In terms of biodiversity India is a mega diverse nation. The 'conservation' of this natural wealth is the only way to curb the rapid decline of natural resources and the diminishing habitats. With an aim to develop knowledgeable, skilled and motivated resource persons, CEC has started an online course called “LCBC 100- Online” for the nature enthusiast who have a quest to learn about nature. The details of the course are as follows   

(LCBC 100-Online)

What is LCBC100- Online ?

The Leadership Course in Biodiversity Conservation (LCBC 100) is a revised online version of the previous correspondence course. It is a hybrid course with online (asynchronous) and face to face (synchronous) activities interwoven through the course work. The course content is developed by subject matter experts (SMEs). The synchronous activities include online chat sessions with SMEs and field trips. The asynchronous activities include online learning through range of weekly assignments.

What are the benefits?

On successful completion students will receive a certificate in LCBC 100 with appropriate grades. Also as the name suggests, the course will develop leadership skills required for environmental protection among the students. The students will gain required knowledge through the chapters, online discussions and field activities. They will get opportunities to interact with SMEs and learn about their works. They will also gain popularity within their community through the celebration of eco-days. As an outcome of the course, every student will carry out local biodiversity project which results into an environment improvement plan. CEC will help with the implementation plan through technical guidance. Lastly as a group, the students will develop comradeship which will be useful in taking up bigger challenges for environment protection e.g. Save Rani Baugh movement in Mumbai was started by LCBC alumni.

Who should enroll?

Anyone with an interest to learn about biodiversity and its conservation are eligible to apply. There are three types of learners; Academic, Professional and Lifelong, check out which category do you belong? The basic qualification is S.S.C. with or without science background. Other requirements include, proficiency in computer operation and internet browsing, willing to dedicate minimum 2 hours every day for the course work. To know if you could be a Distant Learner, take a test at

What is the course syllabus?

The course includes 12 chapters on following topics. The chapters are illustrated and written in simple English. Each chapter is of 25-30 pages.

1.   Introduction to Biodiversity
2.   Ecology
3.   Floral Diversity
4.   Insect Diversity
5.   Marine Diversity
6.   Diversity of Herpetofauna
7.   Mammalian Diversity
8.   Bird Diversity
9.   Issues and Environmental Concerns
10.  Environmental Impact Assessment
11.  Environmental Law
12.  Sustainable Development

What is the course schedule?

The course duration is one year  (start date:1 August 2010, end date: 30 July 2011). The online weekly assignments start on Tuesday  and end on Saturday. The monthly field activities are usually held on Sundays if it is day trip or Friday-Sunday in case of overnight camps. The calendar of events will be made available upon registration.

What is the course delivery? 

As a course management system- Google features will be used such as Google Groups, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Reader, Gmail and Picasa Web Albums. Student should have access to computer, internet with audio-video facilities and also own a digital camera. In order to orient the students, an overnight course orientation camp will be held at the beginning of the course and a wrap-up camp at the end of the course.

What are the course deliverables?

The details of the assignments are given below:
Text Reading: Every month one chapter will be made available online for students to read. If required, students can take a print out of the desired chapters.

Presentations: Every month subject specific PowerPoint presentations will be made available online. Students are expected to access it as and when possible during the specified period. These presentations could be downloaded by students.

Local Day Trips: There are 7 day-trips planned throughout the year. Students are expected to attend 3 trips on compulsorily basis to receive full grades. After each trip a brief report need to be submitted. The format of the report will be provided, if required.

Field Camps: There are 8 outstation camps planned throughout the year. Students are expected to attend 3 camps on compulsorily basis to receive full grades. Students also have facility of attending BNHS membership camps as per their convenience and choice. For attending these camps, BNHS membership is required. A camp report must be submitted after each camp attended. The format of the report will be provided, if required.

Image Sharing: Students are encouraged to carry out photo documentation of their field trips and camps. We have sessions wherein students can share their images with other students. The SMEs will identify the images and everyone will have access to the image folders.

Favourite Environmental News: In order to keep the group abreast of happenings in the environmental world across the globe, every month it is expected every student chooses his/her favourite e-news and share it with others.

SME Chats: Every month as per the subject, a chat session with the SME is planned. There are 11 sessions of which only 5 sessions are compulsory for receiving full grades. The chats will be planned as per the availability of SMEs.

Celebration of Eco-Days: In order to develop leadership skills among the students who could carry out environmental awareness within their localities, we have planned celebration of 10 eco-days. Students can choose any five days to celebrate and bring out positive changes in their localities.

Final Project: The outcome of the course experience is to study local biodiversity. Each student is expected to study their local environments and develop a plan for enhancing their environments. This is a yearlong project and there are deliverables every month.

What is the grading structure?

The course is of 25 credits (30 hours= 1 credit). The grading structure for the assignments is given below:

§         Field Trips & Camps         : 50 points

§         Final Project                      : 25 points

§         Chat Sessions                  :   5 points

§         Celebration of Eco-days   : 16 points

§         Weekly E-News                :   4 points


Based on the aggregate points, students may receive grades ranging from “A” to “D”. There is no final exam at the end of the course. Students who are unable to fulfill the course requirements may not receive their certificates.

What is the course fee structure?

The tuition fee is Rs.6,750/- (1 credit= Rs. 225/-). The fee includes course orientation & course wrap up camps at CEC and day trips in and around Mumbai. Transport and outstation camps are not included. We provide scholarships for needy and deserving undergraduates.

Who is managing this course?

The Conservation Education Center of BNHS is managing this course. Dr. V.Shubhalaxmi, Center Manager is the Course Co-ordinator, Ms. Priti Choghale, Senior Education Office is the Course Executive. The course will be run with help of the SMEs within and outside BNHS.

How to apply?

The course enrollment form is available at or could be requested Send your completed electronic forms to Ms. Priti Choghale at and send your payments either electronically or by mail.

By mail: Mark your envelope with “LCBC100” and send your payment cheque favouring “ BNHS” to following address 

Bombay Natural History Society, Conservation Education Center, Near Film City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai- 400065. Telephone:28402946/28421174

Through Online Banking: Transfer Rs.6750/- electronically to BNHS account (SB 10473844816) State Bank of India and inform us immediately.

For further queries, feel free to call us on 9223513425 / 28421174 / 28402946

It will be very kind of you if you can spread the words to all the nature lovers. 

Thanking you,

Best Wishes,

Priti Choghale
Senior Education Officer

BNHS Conservation Education Centre
Near Film City, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400065,Maharashtra, India.
Tel:91-22- 28402946/28421174
Mobile: 9223513425 / 9323738622

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