Thanks Samir ji
There is also a good key in eFlora of China.
Since they are based on different characters, one can make a more useful key to cover species expected in the area
1a. Leaves scabrid above; hypanthium 4-angled; epicalyx prominent; calyx scabrid......................A. verticillata
1b. Leaves not scabrid above; hypanthium campanulate, not 4-angled, epicalyx obscure
calyx glabrous..................................................................................................................(2)
2a. Leaves attenuate or truncate at base; petals absent; style shorter than the ovary; cymes
sessile and dense; flowers sessile........................................................................................A. baccifera
2b. Leaves auriculate often clasping at base; petals present; cymes pedunculate; flowers
3a. Style half as long as ovary or shorter, capsule 1.5 mm in diam,; petals 1 mm long; calyx
reflexed in fruit....................................................................................................................A. multiflora
3b. Style as long as ovary or longer, capsule 2-5 mm in diam; petals 1.5-2 mm long......................(4)
4a. Capsule 2-3.5 mm in diam; flowers usually 7 (3-15); capsule as long or longer than calyx
lobes.................................................................................................................................A. auriculata
4b. Capsule 3.5-5 mm in diam; flowers usually 3 (3-5); capsule shorter than or barely equalling
the calyx lobes...................................................................................................................A. coccinea
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297 Mob: 9810359089