Thanks Satish Ji.regards,rOn Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Satish Chile <> wrote:
Biswas ji you can contact State Forest Research Institute Jabalpur for the same. Also Central tropical forest research institute Barela Road, Jabalpur.SatishDr. Satish Kumar Chile
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Rakesh Biswas <> wrote:
Thanks Dr Neil,I shall try to procure the seeds but I am not sure where exactly here in Bhopal it may be available.regards,rakeshOn Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Neil Soares <> wrote:
Hi Mr.Biswas,Seeds should be available right now [and also for the next month]. They have to be soaked in a concentrated solution of Sulphuric acid for 5 minutes, rinsed thoroughly and then sown immediately.With regards,Neil Soares.P.S. - If Mr. Lavkumar Kachcahar is reading this mail - as requested last year have collected 3 bulbs of Gloriosa superba for you .Please let me know how and where you would like them delivered.N.Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:34599] Seeking information on planting 'Buchanania Lanzan' Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 10:59 AM
Thanks Garg Ji,Yes we have still not had any success in this direction.We appreciate some of the suggestions we have received from the members here.regards,rakesh
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:56 AM, J.M. Garg <> wrote:
Forwarding again for any assistance in the matter please.
------------ Forwarded message ----------
From: Rakesh Biswas <>
Date: 14 April 2010 10:58
Subject: [efloraofindia:32238] Seeking information on planting 'Buchanania Lanzan'
To: indiantreepix <>
We have been trying for the last two years to get a 'Buchanania Lanzan' sapling for our farm but we have been unsuccessful.We are trying the 'germinating from seeds' option now but the seed supplier in Bhopal kept telling us they will be available in march and then april and now he says it would be available only in may.I would be grateful for advice from you on what are the usual period of availability of these seeds that may be germinated.regards,rakesh
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With regards,
J.M.Garg (
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