Call for Project Ideas

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Oct 7, 2010, 1:11:54 PM10/7/10
to indianapolis code and coffee
Some folks have been asking, "What's next?". Some are enjoying the
koans, but others want to try something more, a "real" project. If
that's you, here are some ideas that could make you a happy coder!

* You can use the code and coffee to add features or support tools to
OSS projects that interest you.
* You can work on a personal project.
* You can suggest a group project that we'll all play with. Please,
suggest a project. It will not imply a commitment on your part.

Suggestions can range from bullet points to more complete descriptions
depending on how picky you are about your project proposal. Oh, and
only some of it might survive the rest of us reacting to it.

Example 1) A blog engine in Perl / Catalyst.

Example 2) A spreadsheet. Scale: Single page spreadsheet with variable
columns and rows up to 100 in each direction, save and read as CSV.
Why: Exploration of functional programming, immutable data structures,
and behavior driven development. How: WPF, F#, NatrualSpec, FParsec

The examples are meant to provoke more likely proposals ;)

James Alexander

Oct 7, 2010, 9:56:42 PM10/7/10
Here's a couple ideas to reject:

1. Web Tweet deck. I realize there's no need for another twitter client, but I've not seen one that implements all (or at least the below key features) of tweet deck on the web:

1a. Column view of tweets
1b. Ability to Mark tweets as read
1c. Ability to create custom columns by friends, or by search terms from twitter.

Seesmic web has the column view of tweets, but no "mark as read" to hide past tweets. JournoTwit has the mark as read feature, but one can't customize columns by friends. One thing even the TweetDeck desktop client lacks: tweets that were marked as read in a column for a Twitter list will not be marked as read in the "All Tweets" column.

2. A mobile browser friendly version of (Vehicle mileage tracking and sharing)

2a. When filling up at a gas station, one can input his number of miles traveled on the current tank of gas, cost per gallon, etc. and the app will report his mileage on that tank.
2b. Extend this functionality to include other maintenance types, oil changes, tire rotations, 30k, 60k, 90k check-ups, etc.
2c. Use OpenId or Facebook Connect for log-in rather than creating a custom security model

3. Carmel code and coffee iFart.

- James Alexander

James Alexander

Oct 7, 2010, 11:40:18 PM10/7/10

2. A mobile browser friendly version of (Vehicle mileage tracking and sharing)

Well, never mind this idea. Turns out that fuelly has a mobile optimized version of their site, it just isn't auto-redirected to when i browse there with my blackberry.

Matt Burke

Oct 8, 2010, 12:13:51 PM10/8/10
to indianapolis code and coffee

1) An admin interface for my local town's newspaper (http://

2) specs for noodle ( so I can call
it 1.0 and be done with it, now that NuPack is going to take over the

3) An 'Install-Packages' feature for NuPack that would make it a bit
more awesome. (

4) Something awesome with nodejs or ruby's EventMachine.


Jon Fuller

Oct 13, 2010, 2:24:36 PM10/13/10
to indianapolis code and coffee
I like the nodejs idea, and would add mongel2 to the mix also.

Also, I've started using boxee to host my media experience at home,
and have been thinking about writing an app for boxee. (IMDB maybe)

I've got a couple web projects I've been mulling around in my head for
a bit too, but haven't ever done anything about...
- ToDid (or ToDone, or a better name?): Instead of a TODO app, it's
a ToDone app... just type a tag (or two) and some text (optional) and
submit (it'll track the timestamp too). The more interesting parts
will be data visualization since the data points will be all sorts of
data types.

- Learninate: A sort of "4square", but for learning things. Think:
'I just read GoF Design Patterns' or 'I just watched Railscast Episode
222'. The motivation for this is for me to track the professional
development sort of things I do throughout the year. I anticipate
some sort of badge system rolling into this at some point as well...
but maybe not, not sure if it fits.

My $0.02,

Matt Burke

Oct 13, 2010, 4:13:48 PM10/13/10
To riff on the ToDid and Learninate ideas, we could also do a "be an
expert" app. The idea is "I want to be an awesome accordion player", and
we all know the 10000 hour rule
(, so I want an app that
lets me log how many hours I put in, so I can see my progress towards 10K.

Brian Ball

Oct 13, 2010, 5:18:50 PM10/13/10
Be an expert needs more than just time, you could also log against what skill sets you're improving as well as check in with periodic evaluations to chart improvement on those skill sets.

Brian J Ball, MCPD
Senior Engineer
11611 N. Meridian Street - 8th Floor
Carmel, IN 46032-4609
317.843.1642 (fax) -

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