Selenium OnlineTraining@Rs5000

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suresh m

Mar 29, 2012, 6:38:42 AM3/29/12
Hi Users,

This is useful for the users who are interested in taking selenium online training and willing to shift from manual testing to automation. This course duration is 25 to 30 hours in the morning sessions daily and weekends. This course covers the below contents.


Introduction on Manual Testing
Introduction on Automation Testing
Automation Life Cycle
Introduction on Selenium
Difference between QTP and Selenium
Features of Selenium
History of Selenium
Components of Selenium
Introduction on each Component covers advantages and disadvantages
1) Selenium IDE
2) Selenium RC
3) Selenium Grid

Selenium IDE:
a) Installation of Selenium IDE
b) IDE Features
c) Record and Play back functionality
d) Viewing the recorded script in different formats

Selenium Commands
Selenium RC:
Installation and Configuring Selenium RC
Installation of Firebug and its usage
How to make the automation using Selenium RC in java language
Example automation scripts with live examples which makes you know about the usage of selenium commands
Synchronization in Selenium RC
Java Concepts from scratch with examples:
1) Variables and object declarations
2) Functions
3) Inheritance

X path concept
Window Handling with example
Report Generation with Excel Sheet
In traction with MS-Access database using java

Introduction to Framework
Types of Framework
Hybrid Framework with example script

Introduction on Web-driver
Advantages of Web-driver against Selenium RC
Configuration of Web-driver
Automation using Web-driver with few examples
Web table handling in Web-driver

Configuration of Ant
Introduction to Junit Framework
Automation Scripts using with Junit Framework
Generating HTML Reports using ant for Junit Test Scripts

Interview Questions in Java and Selenium

Process for the Payment:
1) First Online Demo has been taken for the student,  if student willing to continue for the remaining sessions he/she has to pay the full amount to the account number which is specified in further communication mails.

Online Demo Class Contents:

Introduction on Manual Testing
Introduction on Automation Testing
Automation Life Cycle
Introduction on Selenium
Difference between QTP and Selenium
Features of Selenium
History of Selenium
Components of Selenium
Introduction on each Component covers advantages and disadvantages

Please ignore this email for all the user who are experts or familiar with selenium

Selenium Online Training.
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