That the system of governance is in the hands of Criminal.

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yogesh saxena

Aug 2, 2008, 12:49:03 PM8/2/08
to Indian Advocates Group
That the system of governance is in the hands of Criminal. They have
protection of Article 20 (3) of the Constitution of India, when they
commit crime in animosity or where no witness may be allowed to turn
up against them. The acquittal of the accused in Parliament attack and
acquittal to the accused of Jaisikalal Murder case is not a Blot on
our System. Who is going to accept the truth as defense in Contempt
proceedings and fixing the responsibility of the officer pronouncing a
wrong Judgement? No one. The concept of Plea Bargaining shall further
be abused thus we cannot implement any reform in this nation. Thus the
appease meant with criminals is justified to our citizens. Kindly wake
the people lest it will be too late. The religious non- violent People
will be killed in Godhara train Carnage Genocides, but the retired
Supreme court Judge will report this in his one Man Inquiry Commission
report a mere accident as could not smell the kerosene, petrol ,
naphtha and thus safely declared it on the inefficacious planning of
Railways Minister, An accused in fodder Scam, as having no smell of
crime committed by the traitors of our nation.
The sovereignty and the people should form three Councils,
Educational, Religious and Administrative. One individual should not
have the absolute power of government, the sovereignty being the
general president of the councils .The qualifications of the president
the presidents of separate councils are their interest in the welfare
of the country, their excellence of learning and character, and their
influence over the people. A country prospers as long as the people
are righteous. Also their welfare requires the appointment of learned
educational officers, appointment of learned men as the dignitaries of
the spiritual council and of virtuous learned men as administrators.
Obedience to law is required of all.

That “It is common knowledge that 70 percent of the people living in
rural areas are illiterate and even more than that percentage of the
people are not aware of the rights conferred upon them by law.
That Even literate people do not know, what are their rights and
entitlements under the law. It is this absence of legal awareness
which is responsible for the deception, exploitation and deprivation
of rights and benefits, from which the poor suffer in this land.
The Student/children, the future citizens under taking the education
of Indian History on the misconception/ pattern of Anglo Saxon
teaching meant for division of Indian society on the policy of “Divide
and Rule”. There is a important question posed as to whether we have
actually gain our independence or we have to under take another
journey full of animosity, aggresses on account of terrorism and
fanatic ideology a prevalent throughout the World of a particular
religion. Thus on account of being sentinel /Guardian at large, this
is the voice of the majority of Hindu Citizens to save our ancestral
cultural heritage and there by to give protection to our future
That their legal needs always stand to become crisis-oriented because
their ignorance prevents them from anticipating legal troubles and
approaching a lawyer for consultation and advice in time and their
poverty magnifies the impact of the legal trouble and difficulties
when they come.
That more over, because of their ignorance and illiteracy, they cannot
become self-reliant; they cannot even help themselves. The law ceases
to be their protector because they do not know that they are entitled
to the protection of the law and they can avail of the legal service
programmer for putting an end to their exploitation and winning their
That the result is that poverty becomes with them, as a condition of
total helplessness. This miserable condition in which the poor find
themselves can be added to situations”
That “The busybodies meddlesome interlopers, wayfarers, or officious
interveners having absolutely no public interest, except for personal
gain or private profit, either for themselves or as proxy of others or
for any other extraneous motivation or for glare of publicity break
the queue muffling their faces.”
That Article 14 has a pervasive potency and a versatile quality,
equalitarian in its soul, but allergic to discriminatory dictates. It
is well known that equality is anti-thesis to arbitrariness. Since the
license may not be given to a blind man to drive a car, how
worthwhile, it may be to give the similar license to a criminal to do
every sort of atrocities being committed by indulging into the crime
of the innocent people.
That there are inherent restrictions applicable for the enforcement of
the individual personal right under article 19, which empowers the
state to enforce reasonable restriction on the exercise of the right
of the people in the interest of sovereignty, integrity of India
security of the state, friendly relations with foreign state, public
order, decency or morality etc. including the incitement to an offence
pertaining to the reasonable restrictions regarding freedom of speech
and expression, to assemble ,to form associations and freedom to
reside and move freely throughout the territory of India.
That “ We, the People” are still like cavemen with our back turn to
light watching the shadow of the wall. There is an iron cage, not
having any ventilation and people are living in the state of
suffocation, virtually on the verge of their death point. There is a
complete apathy of the custodian of the power towards their welfare
and in our country "We, the people" who are regarded to be the
sovereign of the nation, are living a life full of abrogation and
a. All the members of the court are considered as wounded, where
justice is found wounded with inequity, and judges do not extract the
dart of inequity from justice or remove its blot and destroy inequity,
in other words where the innocent are not respected and the criminal
are not punished.
b. A virtuous and just person should never enter a court and when he
does so, he should speak the truth; he who holds his tongue on seeing
injustice done, or speaks contrary to truth and justice, is the
greatest sinner.
c. Justice destroyed destroys its destroyer; and justice preserved,
preserves its preserver. Hence, never destroy justice, lest being
destroyed; it should destroy thee.
d. In this world justice or righteousness alone is man’s friend that
goes with him after death. All other things or companions part on the
destruction of the body and he is detached from all company. But the
company of justice is never cut off.
e. When injustice is done in the government court out of partiality,
the criminal or doer of injustice, the second by the witness, the
third by the judges, and the fourth by the president king of an unjust
court divides it into four parts of which one is shared.
That the lawyers are always having perplexed with fear of change. He
knoweth not the law, who knoweth not the reason there of, therefore,
it is not advisable to live in cloistered seclusion, detached from the
world and all its pursuits. If you are ever tempted to join in the
fierce hunt after the vulgar prizes of the world, remember that after
all. That accretes and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is
heard no more.
In the political setup, the number of person are having their no
independent opinion but they swept away by the impulse of the mass
stimulation. The politician in our country are taking the utmost
advantage of the psychological impact of the primitive impulse of the
people. Most of the people are having their own psychology governed
through their past experience and forget the reality of the day light,
even during the day hour. These people are having the affiliation with
their political master on the caste basis or they take the decisive
factor for such coordination of getting personal advantage. These
people are selfish in nature and behave like a frog inside the deep
well. They do not want to compare themselves with the other frogs
roaming outside the well. These people feels themselves to be more
secured by living within an isolated doom. The society is confine to
such people only to the selfish objective and no body seems them doing
any contribution to built up the society. These people are not
required to be blamed as the intellectual of our society are having
the apathy from the politics.
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