No man can survive in isolation

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yogesh saxena

Aug 2, 2008, 12:50:15 PM8/2/08
to Indian Advocates Group
No man can survive in isolation . There is a rule of give and take .
The moment one person is inclined to accept everything as a matter of
his right, the person who is inclined to give him his extra
potential , withdraw the basic offer. This become the end of social
collaboration . No country is able to survive except by the will of
the people . The bitterness amongst the people may ultimately lead to
a crisis on psychological level. Thus the country required the
coercive method for the enforcement of law and order situation. This
was on account of partition of India.

There has been a complete disaster of the entire fabric of cohesion in
the society. Our country is comprising of a very congested location
which is divided into many segmentations on account of the regional,
linguistic, geographical division. Thus, the entire country is
confined only to an area of about 50 km of its dimension, and
thereafter there is another nation. The alien powers have plundered
our country by continuous invasion. From the time of extinction of our
Vedic Religion for about 2006 years before, when Christianity came
into existence, there was the Vedic Religion prevalent in the entire
world. The concept of the society as a unit is not present in any one
of the religion, except prevalent in Vedic Sanathan Religion. By the
gradual following of the religion based upon magic and other
superstition with orthodox tradition, the foundation of different
religion came to be in existence. Some of the religions are based upon
the falsehood while the following of other religions based upon the
terror to the other followers is virtually a crime. Thus, in this
multiplicity of the problem, with the different linguistic and
regional diversities, we have to find out the solution of our problem.
Thus, the truth may provide some light to such individuals, who are
confine to the limited horizon of their vision.
The people behave properly, if they have the fear that the wrong
committed by them is more dangerous. The criminal only behave
properly, when they have got the fear that the crime is a bad bargain.
Thus, for changing the setup of our nation, the criminal should not be
spared. Let the burden be shifted to the accused person to prove his
benevolence. Thus, we should not spare any criminal to live in an open
atmosphere. The earning of the honest person given in the taxes should
not be spared upon the criminals. Every criminal should be asked to
toil to the extent that every drop of his blood be donated in serving
to the honest person.
The second aspect of the matter is regarding the welfare of the down
trodden classes of society. Every child serving in some manner may be
provided the essential commodity by the government namely food,
shelter and cloth free of cost. The prohibition of taking the labour
from a grown up child may not be prohibited under law, till the
government may not be able to provide them the essential requirement.
Let all the unrealistic type of prohibitory law may be abolished
forever till the self-respect is not generated amongst the people by
the action of government. The political equation which were originally
set-up in the pre-independence era were caught in the whirl pool by
the violent stroke of caste system which was generating the
devaluation in the national integration with cumulative effect .
People do not live to face the truth and thus has their evasive
attitude which deepens the compulsive gambler maladies by the passage
of time. Although there was deep bitterness amongst the different
religions but the slogan were promulgated by our political leader to
maintain the feeling of the brotherhood which was not possible without
proper enforcement. Thus in such as situation when there was already a
deep conspiracy to upset the flow of the national esteem amongst the
mind of the citizens by the other nation ,the political set-up of our
country has further exaggerated such problem to the multiple
proportion. There was the need for law enforcement agencies but such
enforcement was still not possible without having a control over the
system .
In this country, the actual contribution is given by the farmer and
the soldier. The labour is exploited by the affluent class of person.
Thus, the opportunist is striving upon the cost of the other person
and till we may not provide the equal share to the labour in earning
through production, we can not change the ill distribution of the
property. The question arises that what is the value of infra
structure, intelligent management and better administration by the
person having the better calibration. There is a long debate on the
issue. From the ancient time, the loin share is being considered as
detrimental to the interest of the other animal. Thus, the communist
have given the due consideration for participant doctrine of the
welfare state. This is not the issue that what one is getting out of
the cost of the other person but the main factor is as to whether we
should give up the merit and the competition amongst all the human
participant in the process of getting opportunity of employment. Even
Baba Shahab Ambedkar was against reservation of the schedule caste and
said in his speech delivered while resigning from the post of law
minister that he was craving for providing financial security to the
member of schedule caste and was against reservation of the schedule
caste. There are few posts only meant for them but their population
having no means for their survival is quite large in number. Baba
Shahab Ambedkar, who was having his sir name taken from the name of
Brahmin Teacher of Sitara District was strictly against any
sympathetic approach but he professed for the betterment by providing
better atmosphere, better training, better living, to the people to
whom he was representing at the time of drafting of the constitution
of India.
The country is in the hand of criminals. Inflation and black money is
in the form of parallel economy. The eradication of black money for a
viable economy of the Country is required for a healthy structure on
all its front. This has become a crisis in the first decade after the
independence gradually there was as rampant corruption ascending in
the public life and the galloping race which was developed by the
process of character assassination could not be halted even after the
enforcement of the highest law of our country . The crucial factor ,
as are being discussed above alike hunger , deficiency ,disharmony and
disintegration ,has further provided a fast deteriorating standard of
our society and as a counter productive reactionary trend , the crime
has perpetuated in our society. In absence of any deterrent ,
retributive and punitive theory of punishment , the political arena
which was previously occupied by our so called political sufferer in
the freedom movement, was gradually replaced by the criminals. This
was a paradise to every law evading process to shield up their
responsibility as a repercussion of the criminal activity by the
procedural processed jurisprudence . Thus instead of having any growth
for the advancement of the nation, every potential and resources lying
within the competence and power of our citizen was vested in providing
the security to our political superior. Thus by the dawn of fifty
years of independence, India has not only undergone through a
political uncertainty but it has exposed its character by
demonstrating an example of hypocrisy, religious hatred and criminal
Religion is politics ; and the
politics is the brotherhood ( William Blake ). Thus the politics is an
essential branch of the art of promoting the human welfare and
happiness but it was never considered to be an art of obtaining power,
which may turn as demagogy. Every action has three basic requirement
for its objective , i.e Desire , Emotion and Knowledge. In absence of
any of the three basic ingredients to be adhere prior to the
implementation of a policy, we may have the utter failure in every
efforts. Thus the country is also bound to collapse on every front, if
there is the absence of the knowledge amongst our politicians. Every
basic thrust is secondary for the utilisation. If we consider money as
the paramount consideration for attaining the political power , the
custodian of the public trust shall automatically purged with the
illusion of hypothetical superiority and nothing shall remain to
provide a contribution towards the welfare of the citizen. The
necessity of the money is to achieve the basic requirement otherwise
the accumulation of it in itself become a corruption. The similar
sentiments may be attributed towards power and sex desire which has
its reservoir in the emotional psychological sphere but if it is
unchecked it may result in disastrous for the society. Thus if we are
inherently incapable to decide, what is required for our existence ,
there is a need for sanction and the punitive measurement, if one may
side track from the basic requirement unfortunately despite our
inherent capability to improve in a span of last 50 years after being
ruled by the alien power, we have yet not evolved an effective system.
This is the reason of our political disaster.
The farmer should be given prices
as per international standard and should have given opportunity to
competitive approach After independence there was the abolition of the
Zamindari system in India. The entire agriculture land was wasted to
the state government. The farmers were given only their cultivators
rights over the rural land. Thus the concept of ownership was diluted
to certain extent and those who were in occupation over the
agriculture land became the Asami. Even a Bhumidhar was not vested the
absolute ownership and was enjoying the transferable cultivators
right. Thus the initiative for improvement of the land was slightly
undergone a major change. The investment in the agriculture activities
was multiplied to its many fold. This was due to inflation and the
steep fall in the value of money. Thus it has gradually declined the
production of the agriculture produce. The system has further suffered
another set back by commercial activities as the cost of the labour
was gradually increasing in its output. There was the difficulty faced
by the farmers when they have entered the same cost of labour, what
was required to be incurred for production.

There should be no cruelty on human being by another human being who
so ever may be stronger then other. The first and foremost requirement
in our country is to deal with a criminal with severe punishment .It
has rightly been said that it is only the fear which keeps a man to do
the righteous thing in his life. The bane of caste system, the
business of religion and unhygienic process for accumulation of the
assets and resources with the limited people which has provided a
disharmony in the society , can only be dealt with by confiscation and
forfeiture of the property belonging to the criminals. The bonafide
citizens and a genuine person may not be liable to suffer the
atrocities committed by a criminal who may get escaped from the
punishment by making a target on the victim. The state is responsible
for every crime and it is a lame excuse that it is meant to preserve
only the law and order situation. There is a need for getting every
person being removed somehow or other who by his own nature uses to
indulge in a criminal activities .
We must develop the recourses of electricity supply. The supply of the
essential commodity like food water electricity and other resources
should be provided without interruption and for such crisis there is
the vicarious liability of the state government. Thus it is for the
state government to adopt the suitable measurement for providing such
commodity and simultaneously to dealt with the person / employee
working under them by awarding suitable punishment if they may cause
such disruption.
We must protect the environment. The ecological cycle has been totally
disassociated from its normal course. There is the need for filling
the rainy water inside our first subcutaneous layer from where the
water is pulled through pumping set. This will provide the immediate
water requirement to the citizen for their daily use as well as for
their irrigation. There is the wastage of this water and ultimately
the same is providing the flood to the other portion of the country
lying on low altitude and in this manner we may again restore the
glory of the Himalayan valley throughout our nation.

We must protect the dignity of women. That is the need of the time
other wise the entire nation will be compelled to become the hens of
the criminals. The universal declaration of the human right is nothing
but a misnomer in India . There is neither a human being who is born
free and having equal dignity and rights as are being enjoyed by few
opportunists. There cannot be an endeavour in the spirit of
brotherhood. Our country has got the race prejudice which is dependent
not only on the basis of the colour, sex , language but on the basis
of caste affiliation. Here is no security of the person and everyone
is subjected to be ruled by the law enforcing agents either in slavery
or in servitude. People are subjected to torture and to get degrading
treatment by another fellow citizen whoever is enjoying the power. The
right to an effective remedy is totally collapsed by the pressure of
the work. In such situation, how the courts which are considered to be
sentinel in the quivive may enjoy the protection of the rule of law in
the society.
The people should retaliated from their oppression and subjugation.
The privilege orientation system being generated for creating a
psychological; terror on the mentality of as common man is required to
be dealt with by the people themselves as no-one wanted to get his
privilege been taken away simply on account of the wishes of the other
citizens. The voice of the intellectual is soft and till they may not
unite in the battle , the victory and the chances of success is always
lying at a remote distance . Every toil will have its own colour
subject to that we may be inclined to eradicate the prevailing
There must be the accountability of all the officers of the
government. There is the second requirement for having an
accountability of the wrong doer, It is certainly not the purpose and
the objective of the law enforcing agencies , that a wrong be
corrected or rectified. This is a reciprocal obligation upon every
superior authority in the hierarchy of the system that their
subordinate may get the proper punishment for every wilful defiance of
their inaction and such in subordination of the rule of law in the
society. It is the high time that every quasi judicial action in which
there is a glimpse of dishonesty , such action apart from being dealt
with by rectification of the mistake , be accountable against such
officer on account of whose wilful negligence or lapses , the affected
person has undergone a great agony, discomfiture , disappointment ,
frustration otherwise there will be no end of dishonest and
apathetically circumstances from the society.
Time is free-fold present: as we experience it the past as the
present memory and future as a present expectation .The expectations
can not be the same and as anticipation. It is different from a wish,
a desire or a hope nor can it amount to claim or demand on ground of a
right. A pious hope even leading to a moral obligation can not amount
to a legitimate expectation in the strict sense. The protection of
such legitimate expectation does not require the fulfilment of the
expectation where an over riding public interests require otherwise.
Thus even if substantive production of such expectation is
contemplated that does not grant and absolute right to a particular
person. the protection is limited to the extent of judicial review. To
strike down the expectation of an individual adrift to the pragmatism
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