India- A Nation of impoverished, downtrodden, land less labours

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yogesh saxena

Aug 2, 2008, 12:32:32 PM8/2/08
to Indian Advocates Group
India- A Nation of impoverished, downtrodden, land less labours and
agriculturists is now characterised by internal instability, political
uncertainty, foreign invasion and a serious set back to the creative
genius of citizen. Parliamentarian system has been primarily concerned
with the governance of the Country through a policy of laissez faire
in different with its growth for the fate of the helpless millions,
over whom they rule with village oriented industrialisation, as
admired by Mahatma Gandhi, has completely been vanished through
transitional period followed by diversification of economic structure.
This has resulted in an increasing pressure of population in
metropolitan cities and declination of productivity per person engaged
in agriculture. What has happened to our Country’s would oldest
civilisation with recorded history of 2500 years of matchless
affluence and creative. Which sprung great wealth, great ideas, great
skills and the glimpse of our traditional cultural heritage?
According to the estimated date during British Raj, between the year
of 1800 to 1900 more than thirty two millions Indian died of
starvation. There were thirty famines in 90 years from 2857 to 1947
and the last being the one in Bengal in 1943, which took toll of three
millions lives. Now a vast majority of Indian lived below the
subsistence level. Many of them could hardly afford even two square
meals a day. There consumption of cotton cloth is not more than 15
yards per head per year of they live on the discarded garments of the
civilian population. Clean drinking water is luxury and public health
facilities are rare and that too beyond the capacity of majority of
the people. Even if they are available to them.
By the population growth for 30 crores in 1890 to nearly 35 crores sin
1947, it is now more than 90 crores, which saw the steep fall in the
value of money and monstrous inflation. This has further resulted into
sub- division of strips of poor peasants. They fell victim more easily
into debt and plugged their land recklessly and thereby encouraging
the growth of un-production class of money lenders. Indian
entrepreneurs are pitted against serious odds. They have e shown
little enterprise of their trading pursuits. The creation of infra
structure particularly in the area of Rail transportation and
education has certainly broken the provincial isolation to certain
extent and help in creation of unified internal cohesion and integrity
of the Nation. The spread of English education and creation of
westernised Indian elite is due to our wrong policies of education.
There has not been the translation of English literature relating to
medical, technical and legal subjects even after 50 years of
independence. According to Maculae’s famous Book written in 1835
namely :Minute of Education”, the real aim of British ruler was to
from a class, who may be interpreters between English people and
millions governed by them, a class of the opinions in morals and in
intellect to envisaged a class submissive political lackeys clerks and
interpreters faithfully carrying out the order of their British
master. The spread of English education ultimately facilitated the
incursion of technology and liberal political ideas into intellectual
ferment of intense nationalists, who re-discovered their own culture
and history and started struggles for independence. The effect of new
education was inconsequential, but enough to provide pressure for
greater Indian participation in administration and politics. The
Education remain more scarce and exclusive to 15% of population at the
time of independence. It has provided fresh stratification in the
society, which was already split by caste and religion. The hearts of
sensitive Indians by presence of all pervading poverty and misery with
profound anger and irritations at being in bondage of system in now
led by a sense of frustration at not being able to do any thing to
mitigate, curb and cure the hard ship of fellow citizens. Our
traditional value of freedom struggles and aspirations to attend the
eradication from the bondage combined with natural desire of the
people to live with freedom in every set of life has resulted into
resentment at the cost of humiliation. We are still in the bondage and
as such there are certain question marks relating to the present
scenario of political set up and as such it requires revival and
reassessment of the prevailing maladies by cultivation of positive
In such an environment, there could be little desire for change,
little incentive for progress as a result, the condition in the
country side, where more than 80% of Indian people lives has now
deteriorated sharply. The new pressure generated by growing un-
employment, increasing taxes heart mainly to the small citizens and
reduces them to the state of perpetual indebtedness and ultimately
robbing many of the farmers of their land. The rate of agricultural
production has been reduced to the lowest in the world. This has
ultimately led to an almost permanent scarcity of food stuff.
The challenge posed after independence to put an end to poverty,
ignorance and inequalities as to built up a social order by the
formidable task of “thrust with destiny” as professed by Mr. Nehru
through socialism was contrary in its implications to the concept of
social justice. The service of India means service of millions, who
suffers, it means the ending of poverty, ignorance, disease and
inequalities of opportunities by boosting their capabilities at larger
level and not to create a social structure, where the dishonest
opportunists may get undue protection in getting the preferential
treatment with the honest meritorious individual. You can not make
every individual having poverty and ignorance to be a dishonest
opportunists. Thus it was required to make them competent to fight in
the open competition and provide the endeavour for a classless
society. The ambition to wipe every tear from every eye may be beyond
imagination, but as long as there are tears and suffering of the
individual citizen, so long our work will not be over. This ambition
has now been completely vanished from the horizon of our Indian infra-
The transfer of power from British’s gave rise to communal violence
and mitigation of the millions of displaced person posing a threat of
serious repercussions. This communal disturbance caused indescribable
mental anguish to Mahatma Gandhi, who placed to end communal madness
and disturbances. The power intoxication to contemporary leaders
before independence had ultimately led to the partition of Indian
subcontinent. There was out burst against leaders of having betrayed
the Hindus on Pakistan side. The official statement put the killing at
half a million citizens and uprooting the people at 20 millions. The
British’s diplomacy for this tragedy was to blame for advance date of
politician from, 6, 1948 to August 15, 1947. People did not give
enough time to plan their migration.
The beginning of hostility between Pakistan & India after partition of
subcontinent was gradually evading by passage of time. Pakistan Chief
Martial Law Administrator General Mohd. Ayub proposed on 29 April,
1959, just three and half years before the attack by China, to have a
joined defence against external aggression. Mr. Nehru refused by
saying- “Defence against whom”? This was the beginning of lasting
friendship which ended with hostility. Few month later to Chinese
aggression, China becoming Pakistan’s ally and India’s main rival due
to the resift attitude of our prime minister.
Mr. Muneer Ahmed has been charged with a sedition case for his writing
a book in Pakistan namely “Will Pakistan Break up”. It displace the
role of inter services intelligence (I.S.I.) and Intelligence Bureau
of Pakistan on political side. This has further highlighted the role
of Army and I.S.I. in political instability. The president of Pakistan
namely Sri Gulam Ishak Khan in July, 1993 had furiously rebuked Mr.
Nawaz Sharif for involvement of I.S.I. in Bombay Bomb blast in March,
1993. The president Mr. Gulam Ishak Khan on denial by Mr. Sharif
regarding his involvement insisted that “Mr. Prime Minister do not try
to convince me, the I.S.I. is behind these blasts and I have got the
proof of it. If United State declare us a terrorist state, you will be
responsible for that”. The book further discloses that Mr. Sharif gave
signal for these blasts to I.S.I. Chief Lt. Gen. Zaved Nasir. There
are proof to show that how to Maman brother’s were kept in Karachi at
Govt. Guest and how they were brought to Pakistan and they transported
to Dubai. The book displaced that Mr. Sharif has assigned I.S.I. Chief
Mr. Zaved Nasir and I.B. Chief Brigadier Imtiyaz to prepare the task
of assigning responsibility on India just to pacify the quarry made by
President Mr. Gulam Ishak Khan rejected it. The United States
denounced the similar version placed by Minister of states for foreign
affairs. Mr. Shadik Kanzoo. There was further apprehension in the mind
of the ruler at Pakistan and specially to foreign secretary Mr.
Shaharyar that India may become so angry that it might attack
Pakistan’s Kahuta plant and lay seize of it Navy. The President Mr.
Gulam Ishak Khan has advised Mr. Sharif to do something to prevent the
disaster and suggested to make a contact with Mr. P .V. Narsimha Rao
on telephone, but Mr. Nawaz Sharif did not do so despite the president
reminder. Army chief Gen. Abdul Wahid persuaded both president and
Prime Minister to resign and make way for fresh election.
The intelligence agency in India strongly feel that the recent bomb
blast is the handy work of I.S.I. based Khalistan Kashmir
International, an out fit recently formed by Pak based militant
organisation Lashkar-E-Taiba and International Sikha Federation headed
by Lakhveer Singh rode. There were about 16 explosions in Delhi and
the kind of explosive material and splinters used in these blasts bear
a similarity. The similar explosive devices have been used in Haryana
in Punjab. These blasts create disturbance in Northern India by using
Pakistan agents, who has successfully settled in different states
under false identity. They have been also taught Punjabi and basics of
‘Gurumukhi Scripts’. They would get married here and would start some
business to cover their under ground activities. According to a senior
official, it has been said that one main operator is Abu Shahid alias
Zunaid resident of Jehlum in Pakistan, who has been working with some
sympathisers in Delhi for the past many years. He has not married and
has set-up a S.T.D . P.C.O. which is most probably located in Sadar
Bazar or Jama Masjid area. His associates, who have also Darshan Lal,
Abu Ibad, Abu Qasha and Abu Saifullah Dar. The official said that the
group is working in tandem with Abu Kashim alias Abdul Qudoos Sulfi a
resident of Ghaziabad (U.P.), who is now settled in Pakistan and
reportedly absconded after the arrest of his accomplice Dr. Jalish
Ansari by the CBI in a number of bomb blasts in Mumbai, Delhi and U.P.
and also in Delhi bound trains coincidentally with the anniversary of
demolition of Babari Masjid. Abdul Karim a master mind to the plan
infiltrate Lashkar-E-Taiba operative in India is said to be an expert
in handling and manufacturing improvised explosive devices (I.E.D.S.)
using conventional explosive like Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, potassium
chlorate and sulphuric acid. Recently Abu Ibad visited Delhi and
conducted a detailed survey of Bara Area near Sadar bazaar and a bank
situated in this crowded area was reportedly chosen as the target. He
alongwith his associates had also study some multi-storey buildings
and basements in posh shopping area of Connaught Place for demolition,
but having a detail dassier of the suspects. The plan was not carried
out. There are several sympathisers and as such they are not in hurry
to carry out blast and look for right opportunity and after carrying
out an operation they lie dormant for several months. This is the
atmosphere prevailing inside our Country with the ostensible support
of sympathisers? The traitors , betrayers and anti nationals. Whether
identification is required or they have already been recognised, but
our political co-ordinations does not allow to disturb them in their
government of the fact, who is ruling our Nation. Unlike the
terrorists activities in the capital, the militants in Kashmir are re-
assaulting to the Bomb explosions in the licked Govt. Buildings or
houses belonging to non-Muslim Kashmir’s to maintain a psychosis of
fear amongst the Indian citizens.
Mr. Nawaj Sharif suggestion at U.N. General assembly session- I offer
India today from this rostrum to open negotiations on the treaty of
non-aggression between the two countries. It has been profess from a
long time by our country part of subcontinent namely Pakistan that we
have a little progress on every front in comparison to global
expansion of economic resources. There may be a possibility for
realising the mistake committed in partition of the subcontinent, but
till there is some understanding in keeping out the hostilities,
insurgency and terrorism as the strategic weapons, while grappling
with such issues of non-aggression, nothing can be achieve for the
prosperity of both the Nations. The Pakistan slogan by making the
issue of Kashmir regarding insurgencies and violation of human rights
before the other nations are based on falsehood in context with his
country productivity to create the disturbance over the Indian soil of
non-violence policy. There may be a serious consideration over the
divert these funds for the prosperity of the Nation and eradication of
illiteracy, but till there may not be the purity of idea demonstrated
in action by the ruler of Pakistan, there cannot be any solidarity
tranquillity peace and stability in the subcontinent.
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