The election of Sonia Gandhi was Challenged on the ground of disqualifications adhered with article 102 (1) (d) regarding her allegiance and adherence

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yogesh saxena

Aug 2, 2008, 12:48:09 PM8/2/08
to Indian Advocates Group
The election of Sonia Gandhi was Challenged on the ground of
disqualifications adhered with article 102 (1) (d) regarding her
allegiance and adherence with Etaly in Writ Petition No. 2809 of 2006
before Lucknow Bench Of Allahabad High Court, Wherein in order to
demonstrate the meaning of allegiance and adherence, the doctrine and
ideology of Nehru- Gandhi Nexus was exposed to the larger level
indicating the future suppressions of majority of Hindu citizen on the
basis of their nationalistic sacrificing sprits to save the nation,
which can not permit a citizen of Foreign origin to rule the Nation.
Since Hindu Writers Forum has written and published the numerous
books including the research paper based upon the the authorship of re-
noun Supreme court of India Lawyer Sri R.V. Bhasin with the sprit and
objectives hidden behind such writing mainly for the purposes of
enlightenment of the people casting the vote in favour of right
candidate contesting the election to the respondent no. 1 to provide
him the information contained in the following books for the purposes
of enlightenment to the voters of Amethi constituency participating in
the election scheduled to be held on 8th may of 2006. The name of the
books and the writers thereof are “The Nehru Dynasty”, Written by
Astrologer K. N. Rao, “Reminiscences of the Nehru Age” written by Sri
M. O. Mathai (a longtime private secretary, of Jawaharlal Nehru) in
his renowned (but now suppressed by the GOI) and Mohammad Yunus book,
‘Persons, Passions & Polities’. Why the extract of this book are
prohibited for being known to general public, who has right of
Information Guarantee under Article 19(1) (a) of the constitution of
India and Under the Provision of Right of Information Act, 2002?

That Christianity and Muslims have plundered the concept
of Vedic religion from about 2006 A.D. years, prior to it there was
the Hindu Religion was flourishing through out the world. Baba
Ambedkar in his book on “Thoughts on Pakistan” has described the
apprehension against the appeasement policy for Muslims, which as per
its gospel of Jihad being professed in religion speaks of killing of
Hindu citizens as Khafir and Kufr, who are meant for killing instead
of being saved for enjoying by keeping Nihamat and Hurreys for
pacifying the carnal Sexual desire, on the basis of which, the
foundations are kept and based in the other religion.
That the background of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru was
obviously converted to be the full-fledged Muslim, as he was nurtured
at the place of Anand Bhawan belonging to Mr. Mubarak Ali, a
barrister, at Nawab of Avadh palaces and at place of Rani of Amethi.
Gandhi ji has never thought of avoiding Martyr Bhagat Singh’s death
sentence/ Assassination, for which, even the British pleaded for him ,
but was demanding the release of Mr. Abdul Rasheed, the death
sentence convict, who killed Sri Nitya Nand Swami, when he was
suffering from viral fewer. The invitation of Ali Brothers sponsored
by Gandhi Ji, for invading our country by Afghanistan/ Teliban was
declared to be the sedition by British Ruler and thus it appears that
our country has not been ruled by Indian but by Foreign Invaders from
such time.
That what was the religion of Rajeev Gandhi? . What is the religion of
Sonia Gandhi and her Children? Whether Sonia Gandhi is living in this
country on the strength of Italian Passport? How she can take the
citizen ship and contest the election without disclosing her Religious
Ambitions and political ambition to the people of the constituency,
from where she will get her votes? When assets of the candidate may be
directed to be disclosed by the election commission on the dictates of
the Hon’ble Supreme court of India, why not the president of the
biggest party of the country may be directed to disclose her Religion?
During visit of Pope in India, the entire country became Christian.
Why president Bush and Sonia Gandhi are against the Kingdom of Nepal
as the Hindu Nation?.
That Whether Indira Gandhi was married twice or she
was married once?. When she changed her name from Smt. Magnoona Begham
to Indira Gandhi? Whether Rajeev Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi were the
real Brothers? For being born out of one father or from different
fathers? Whether the people of this country may be befooled forever or
there is any limit of falsehood imposed upon them by these people, who
have never acted for integrity, Solidarity and security of our Nation.
That whether we are still slave of our orthodox,
primitive and superstitions? Why we are still trusting with them, who
are the anti-national rather the criminals, who have betrayed our
trust , which was reposed by you? How long we will have the enforced
Whether the Long slavery, paradoxically enough, makes the
slave to look upon the very change that bind him as his life support?.
This story was told to the convict in ancient time and who was
confined in the dingy cell for fifteen years. After fifteen year the
detainee was set free and he gingerly step out of the prison gate. His
eyes, which were used to the dim light wilted at the bright sunshine
outside everything including traffic, the gazing eyes were the strange
look to the detainee and as such he felt terrified. He took a long
look at the outside world and thereafter he inhaled a deep breath and
there after by a sudden dash he again reached to his dog’s tether in
the cell as his imprisonment has sapped his self-confidence. This is
what has happened in India. Truth will not make us rich, but it will
certainly make us free. That the citizens were having the orthodox
feeling and they were very much living under the domination of
superstitions. This was the reason that the Hindus were subjected to
the cruelty by the foreign invaders.
That this feeling of utter destitution,
dejection, desperation and the loss of all confidence is the result of
our slavery, by which the Indians have forgotten their own past
history, lost freedom and obliviousness of the delights of an
unfettered life. Thus it is necessary to keep the flame of the truth
burning in the heart of every enlightened citizen, as the majority of
the public is unaware of the truth. The glory of our country may only
be restored, when our traditional heritage culture may revive every
citizen from unadulterated history. The historical concepts, which
were distorted during the long period of slavery, may become a task of
utmost importance and urgency. An inadequate understanding on
impressionable citizen has resulted the further accessibility in
implanting the misleading concepts and thereby breaking the heads and
idols of the fellow citizen, due to the segmentation of the society in
many compositions.
That no man can survive in isolation. There is a rule
of give and take. The moment, one person is inclined to accept
everything as a matter of his right, the person who is inclined to
give him his extra potential, withdraw the basic offer. This becomes
the end of social collaboration. No country is able to survive except
by the will of the people. The bitterness amongst the people may
ultimately lead to a crisis on psychological level. Thus the country
required the coercive method for the enforcement of law and order
situation. This was on account of partition of India.
That the disqualification prescribed for membership
of Parliament under article 102 (1) (d) of the constitution of India
that the individual contesting the election may not in any
acknowledgement of allegiance or adherence to a foreign state. It is
known to every citizen that the respondent No.4 is a foreign lady and
her husband namely Rajeev Khan “Gandhi” converted his religion prior
to his marriage with respondent No.4, which he had admitted to the
world media after becoming the Prime Minister of India.
That the matter pertaining to the disqualification was
referred to the Election Commission of India for referring the same to
the President Of India by Srimati Sushama Swaraj, than Minister after
consultation with Sri Arun Jaitelly than Law Minister and also Sri
R.V. Bhasin, all Advocates practicing at Supreme court of India, but
it appears that on account of the status of the respondent No. 4,
being the president of Indian Congress party, no body could take any
decision in the matter. Since the Respondent No. 4 is now contesting
again the election as to become full fledge prime Minister Of India
and is having allegiance and adherence to the foreign Country,
Particularly Italy, where she owns the property namely the House, as
she has herself disclosed on affidavit submitted to the District
election officer/District Magistrate and also have her affiliation
with Political parties of such Nation and since the election process
has now started again, the declaration of the result of such result
may be withheld till the decision may not be taken by Election
Commission in this regards.
That the extracts passages written in all the three books may further
disclose the game is played with the country men by the guardian of
our nation to whom the people in India have always regarded as
equivalents to the father of the Nation and they were trusted as head
of the Government. The deceptive approach may be visualized from the
passages of all the three books, which have been suppressed from the
approach of general public or being suppressed by Govt. Of India
during Congress regimes during the dynasty of these person.
That whether it is worthwhile to shout a voice and thereby invite some
lighter sleeper to suffer the agony of the death and this purpose
achieved through my writing, may serve some purpose. Since the
daylight shallows the darkness, I have written articles to take the
intellectual from apathetically approach towards rectification of
prevailing maladies as to wake up. The politicians have imposed
mindless socialism, which held in thrall the peoples endeavor and
enterprise resulting in transfer of potential from the honest
benevolent to the dishonest opportunist.
That there is always an excuse for tyranny and mal-administration,
which has degenerated the national character. The power given needs a
safeguard from such arbitrary power and unfair exercise. In present
set up freedom has become an abuse and liberty as license. Therefore
the moral damage is more terrible. An oppressive system is more to be
feared, than a Tiger.
That the people of this country have completely forgotten the
sacrifices given by guru Teg Bahadur Singh and his brothers, who were
poured inside the boiled oil and beheaded by Aurangzeb period as the
refused to give up Hindu religion. The preaching of Guru Govind Singh
have been forgotten so early by our present prime-minister.
That Neta Ji Sri Subhash Chandra Bose, after being elected as the
president of the Congress party was denounced to rule the congress in
league with Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru and at that occasion
Mr. Govind Ballabh Pant and said that the Congress party (created by
Mr. A.Hume and carrying it’s activities on instruction of British
Government) wants the nominated members of the choice of Mahatma
Gandhi be remained as Executives. Neta Ji Left the Party and the
Nation and was declared as War Prisoner, who was required to be handed
over to the British govt., if he would have found alive in our
Country. Jhinnah passed the Pakistan Resolution on 6th June 1940 at
That all the peace loving Hindu organizations like R.S.S. and
Jansangh were virtually banned during the period of Indira Gandhi and
Rajeev Gandhi and there were number of cow and bullock slaughter
houses opened in Andhra Pradesh and west Bengal, while subsidy was
provided to number of haz voyages meant for slaughtering the thousands
of cows , camels and sheep’s from the donations of the temples offered
by our Hindu citizens. This was the mockery of situation in our
That every one knows that we are seeing the integrated nation only on
account of indulgences of Iron Man Sardar Sri Ballabha Bhai patel and
denouncement of the policy of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, who has created
the insurgencies in Kashmir by keeping it beyond the control of Home
Minister purposely for ruling this nation on the cherished principles
of “Divide And Rule” fully experienced in this country and now the
respondent No. 4 is trying to rule upon it from Italy in consultation
of U.S.A. for which George Bush was invited to our Nation , in spite
the insurgencies of Muslims during relevant period on the issue of
cartoon at Denmark’s news papers.
That Baba Ambedkar wrote a book named as “Thoughts on Pakistan”
specifying the tendencies of Muslims towards Hindus and ultimately
resigned from parliament as he was deceived by Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru to
capture the votes of Schedule Castes and other backwards class citizen
as he was against reservation of the posts in employment. He adopted
Buddhism on before Two months prior to his death. The rising of
Mahatma Gandhi, when Kamal Passa, the hereditical line of successions
of Mohammad Shahab, was denounced from Turks by allied powers by
doing and participating in KHALIFAT MOVEMENT, the planning to Get Ali
brothers soliciting the support from Afghanistan, now Teliban, and
tendering of apologies to the British Govt. when this Sedition plan
was came to their notice. These were the well known planning of
mahatma Gandhi to take the command of our Nation. The denouncement of
Ambedkar Ji as the representative of Schedule caste and other backward
class citizen in the Round Table Conferences and thereafter the reason
for the arrival of Simon Commission are now well known to people of
this nation and as such Baba Ambedkar had shown his resentment at
the time of Quit India Movement Launched By Mahatma Gandhi. Then Why
he was made the Chairman of Drafting committee of Constitution of
India. The Answer is dividing and Rule Policy adopted By Mr. Nehru.
The hatred is created purposely to perpetuate the policy of DIVIDE AND
RULE in this country by Congress Govt. Unfortunately the change in the
Govt. during B.J.P. Regime has again given power to the Opportunists,
which was prevalent during Congress Regime.
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