Japanese Targets: Step up the pressure on European response

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Deepa Gupta

Jun 10, 2009, 8:19:50 AM6/10/09
to india-clim...@googlegroups.com

Dear friends,

A very quick action alert--please circulate!

Japan just announced a very, very weak climate target for 2020--a cut of only 8% from 1990 levels, despite scientists saying that cuts of 25-40% are needed. It's critical that governments around the world respond immediately, to make sure that other governments don't conclude that they can get away with similarly awful targets.

The question is: *how will Europe respond?* If the European Commission is sharply critical, it will help trigger a wave of responses from countries like China, and could contain the damage from Japan's announcement. But Stavros Dimas, the European Environment Commissioner, needs to hear from us now to know that the public is demanding a sharp response.

Please take two minutes right away to make a quick phone call to Stavros Dimas's office. Tell the person who answers to pass along your request for the EC to denounce Japan's weak 2020 climate target. The number is:

+32 21 298 20 00

Even a handful of calls within the next hour could make a tremendous difference to the global climate negotiations. Please call now, and then urge everyone you know to do the same! That number, again is:

+32 21 298 20 00

Many thanks!

Deepa & Leela, India Climate Tracker.
For more information:
Japan set to unveil emission cut target
Japan was expected Wednesday to unveil plans to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by up to 8%. The figure pales in comparison with the European Union, which has said it would slash emissions by 20%

Deepa Gupta

Executive Director
Indian Youth Climate Network
e: de...@iycn.in
skype: deepanjali.gupta


We are the youth of India. Climate change is going to affect OUR future. The decision makers of today, won’t be around in 50 years time to see the effects of their inaction. Hence we need take the action required to ensure that our future will be bright, clean and green.

The Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) is a coalition uniting Indian youth and Indian youth oriented organizations who are concerned about climate change. We as the future leaders of the country can generate awareness and establish consensus on what role India should play in the global debate, and how it should address domestic issues of climate justice and adaptation. It is a monumental effort but one with immense potential.

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