Welcome to the Adopt-a-negotiator project

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Deepa Gupta

Jun 10, 2009, 8:07:32 AM6/10/09
to india-clim...@googlegroups.com
Dear friends,
As you may know there are two Indian negotiator trackers in Bonn and we want to make sure we communicate these negotiations back to the people of India and keep these channels open to you.  
To make this as effective as possible however we need your help.

1.     Forward this message to your friends on your facebook, email, twitter (anything and everything!). Aim for at least 10 people.

2.     If you are a part of other networks, another organisation, contribute to newsletters at your college, corporation or local community, please keep them up to date and let us know what networks you’re liaising with at de...@iycn.in.

3.     If you have connections with the media (newspapers, magazines, radio, blogs, facebook groups etc) again please let us know and also forward the blog posts and calls to action to those media channels as well.

4.     Finally if you want to become involved in a greater capacity as grounds team coordinator in the lead up to Copenhagen email us at de...@iycn.in.

The negotiators and governments of the world need to know who they’re accountable to. They are accountable to us, the people who have to live on this planet. If there is something you want us to do or communicate to the negotiators of India or the world please let us know.

You can also follow us blogging about the negotiations at: http://adoptanegotiator.org/. If you want to get updates, create pressure and help us take action from Bonn now until Copenhagen please sign up to:

This is the deal that will decide the fate of our planet as we know it. And I’m not exaggerating. It is our future as young people that will be affected from this treaty. So let’s work together and make the negotiators realise that they’re not negotiating in a bubble. The world is watching them.
I will be sending an email out shortly on how you can start effecting these negotiations. Looking forward to your
In Solidarity,

Deepa & Leela (Negotiator trackers)

Deepa Gupta

Executive Director
Indian Youth Climate Network
e: de...@iycn.in
m: +91-9426984403
skype: deepanjali.gupta


We are the youth of India. Climate change is going to affect OUR future. The decision makers of today, won’t be around in 50 years time to see the effects of their inaction. Hence we need take the action required to ensure that our future will be bright, clean and green.

The Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) is a coalition uniting Indian youth and Indian youth oriented organizations who are concerned about climate change. We as the future leaders of the country can generate awareness and establish consensus on what role India should play in the global debate, and how it should address domestic issues of climate justice and adaptation. It is a monumental effort but one with immense potential.

Support. Unite. Share. Engage. Inspire. Change.

Come be a part of something new, something bold: Indian Youth Climate Network
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